My carpenter hands are giddy. Today they crave cardboard instead of wood, a kitchen instead of a workshop. They hungrily munch away with an X-Acto knife until they are satisfied, or until my stomach starts growling. But a fork and a spoon are no substitute for a cutting tool. A feast of work is in progress.
Today the jewelry project is on hold, because I need to work on something for my brother. Hes in prison, and he hasnt been to San Francisco in over five years. He asked me to go around town and take pictures of anything new sort of like a vacation for him. I made a life-sized enlargement of his face and a cardboard muscleman body to go with it. Im going to take his cardboard self around town and get people to pose with him. His elbows and shoulders have hinges, so he can point at the landmarks and do discolectric John Travolta poses. He's going to dance clubs this Friday so that all the hotties can kiss his cardboard cheeks. What a sexy papi hell be.
Wondering how the project is coming along? See my pics.
Today the jewelry project is on hold, because I need to work on something for my brother. Hes in prison, and he hasnt been to San Francisco in over five years. He asked me to go around town and take pictures of anything new sort of like a vacation for him. I made a life-sized enlargement of his face and a cardboard muscleman body to go with it. Im going to take his cardboard self around town and get people to pose with him. His elbows and shoulders have hinges, so he can point at the landmarks and do discolectric John Travolta poses. He's going to dance clubs this Friday so that all the hotties can kiss his cardboard cheeks. What a sexy papi hell be.

my projects always have something to do with geography, so i can't say how you can work in bulging pecs.
how was the dancing?