just a little behind the scenes of my shoot with @the.evil.eye today! it was super fun and i'm exci Feb 5, 2016 6 Facebook Tweet Email
i feel like doing some creative work with modeling and photography. if any toronto (or out of town) Jan 1, 2016 4 Facebook Tweet Email
~ ✨ for some reason i've been slacking on posting photos for @suicidegirls , so here's my bum. ✨ ~ Jul 26, 2015 6 Facebook Tweet Email
🎀 i still have two sets in members review. check em out 🎀 i've been missing sg a lot lately and f Jun 11, 2015 6 Facebook Tweet Email terry145: we've missed you gorgeous Jun 11, 2015 fenrisulf124: Stunning 😍 Jan 14, 2016
🎀 my set 'Ivory' shot by @shainesuicide is now in member review on @suicidegirls if you have an ac Mar 14, 2015 5 Facebook Tweet Email
MY SECOND SET IS COMING OUT SOOOON!! ✨💜🎀🎉🎊 #sghopefuls #secondset #yay Mar 4, 2015 4 Facebook Tweet Email
I'm sinking like a stone in the sea, I'm burning like a bridge for your body. ✨ #suicidegirlshopefu Feb 24, 2015 5 Facebook Tweet Email
Some sundies fun from my set that is awaiting member review. Shot by the lovely @shainesuicide for Feb 8, 2015 7 Facebook Tweet Email
This is my favourite shot from my most recent photo shoot. I can't even begin to express my excitem Jan 20, 2015 8 Facebook Tweet Email
My first set 'Porcelain' goes into member review at the end January! I have been anticipating this Jan 1, 2015 10 Facebook Tweet Email