not sure how it's possible that he's so fucking great. is it possible to be sweet AND smart AND really cute? this one is jackpot material.
i told him all the shit about my ex last night, just like unloaded it...about how he rejected me for being "fat" etc and how i was freaked out about it as i've never experience that in m life before.
anyhow he was appalled that that fat asshole could have hurt and treated me that way. he also was looking at pics of me where i was a bit exposed and telling me i was like the sexiest thing he's ever seen.
i mean, the boyfriend i had before this asshole, was like this. i finally feel like i can be loved, wanted and desired for being the person i am today, not one i may become after i lose 50lbs or whatever.
it's crazy to remember that about myself. that i am sexy, beautiful, smart and strong. feels really nice.

i told him all the shit about my ex last night, just like unloaded it...about how he rejected me for being "fat" etc and how i was freaked out about it as i've never experience that in m life before.
anyhow he was appalled that that fat asshole could have hurt and treated me that way. he also was looking at pics of me where i was a bit exposed and telling me i was like the sexiest thing he's ever seen.
i mean, the boyfriend i had before this asshole, was like this. i finally feel like i can be loved, wanted and desired for being the person i am today, not one i may become after i lose 50lbs or whatever.
it's crazy to remember that about myself. that i am sexy, beautiful, smart and strong. feels really nice.

Great news!
It is good that you have a guy that treats you well and who loves you for who you are.