life is busy - think are crazy but i'm ok. sorry i've been away i never have time to type up a post anymore it seems. always too busy on skype with my honey, playing video games or watching old episodes of gordon ramsy's kitchen nightmares with him on Netflix. i love it.
that's my exciting life. wine tasting, watching tv shows about how NOT to run a restaurant, and dreaming and scheming of how to move to Canada. this weekend i plan to revamp my resume, send it to a recruiter that's got a job for me in Seattle (puts me closer to Canada) and we'll see how it goes. if i was even in driving distance it would be easier.
being apart sucks.
anyhow...what's up with you guys?
<3 Cass
that's my exciting life. wine tasting, watching tv shows about how NOT to run a restaurant, and dreaming and scheming of how to move to Canada. this weekend i plan to revamp my resume, send it to a recruiter that's got a job for me in Seattle (puts me closer to Canada) and we'll see how it goes. if i was even in driving distance it would be easier.
being apart sucks.
anyhow...what's up with you guys?
<3 Cass
but it sounds like you and i are SUPER exciting because i am watching the same show on netflix as i type this lol!