Hello. This is Cassio's assistant, Dorothy. She has asked me to update her journal for her since she is extremely busy. First off. She gave me a list of questions and answers to type out for you:
*If you were in an experimental Swiss rock band, what would you call the band? I'd call it Ace of Base part two
*If you had infinite time and resources and could get anyone in the world to work for you, what would your favourite color be? Electric Blue
*If I turned up at your door with a bunch of flowers and 3 DVDs, what would be on the DVD, and would be be staying in to watch them, or would you want to do something else? The DVD would be Crybaby. I'd be really impressed if you showed up with that since it's not even sold on DVD. Hence, we would be staying in and watching the movie.
*did i mention how adorable you are? Yes, Sunny, you have.
*I used to work for an adult website, and one thing I noticed is the abnormal amount of members from Ohio. Like, not just above average, but way above average. Like, maybe 1 in 6 or at least 1 in 10. Is Ohio really that boring, or are uberawesome girls like you just a rare breed up there? Since I'm not a true blue Ohio-ian, I'd guess that it's really that frickin boring.
*you doin another set soon? Yes. I already have pictures taken. Just waiting for them to be sent in.
*what movie were you in the theater for? Meet the Fockers
*Ok... what is your favorite Tenacious D lyric? Good question. I guess mine would have to be " Oh shit there's a bear, Could you hand me that shotgun buddy, Also that chair? We're fighting a bear Now your life's in grave danger
And you don't even care."
*Do you read Brian Michael Bendis graphic novels, and if so, which is your favorite? No, I don't. What has he written?
*Are you eating less sweets? Muhahah! No. Never.
*Who's your favorite muppet? Beaker
*You entered a jello wrestling contest, what flavor Jello would be your signature? Honestly. I hate Jello.
*Have you ever laughed so hard you puked, or almost puked? Hahah. um. no. But I have laughed so hard I peed myself. Does that count?
*What is you most guilty pleasure? Um. Masturbation in the bathtub?
*What would be your pornstar name? Assiopeia
*drink of choice? Mt. Dew
*do you collect anything? Books by my favorite authors. Pinup pictures. And, as of recently, hair dye.
*got a lucky charm? My bracelets.
*is it true that you have a plan to steal prosaic_muse from me and keep him in your basement? Yes. Yes, this is true.
*What extra gift would have made your Christmas perfect? a green ipod. And for everyone who got an ipod for x-mas to STOP RUBBING IT IN MY FACE.
*How are things going out your way? Very well, thank you.
*How did you get so fucking HAWT? I collected 250,000 soup labels and that was my prize.
*As for my question, if you could be a jelly bean, what flavor would you be? I would be Sexy Lexie flavored. Rawr.
*what is the longest you have ever gone without a boyfriend (not counting childhood)? A year, I believe. But I dated in that time period (nothing "boyfriend" serious). So does it count?
*What's your favorite illegal drug? Shrooms. Haven't done it that often. Not around alot. Maybe that's why it's my favorite.
*which Daniel Clowes book did you get? Eightball
*It's a really dark night and your home alone without power, the sounds of a storm raging out your window,
At this moment in time what are you most afraid of? The money I'm going to have to spend to re-stock the spoiled food in the fridge.
*Are you prego? Oh god no.
*dude, what kind of camera did you get? Kodak EasyShare
*Are you still looking at the hot boy on boy action? I'm sorry. Did you ask me something? I was busy looking at this incredibly hot picture of my boyfriend making out with a guy I know....
*I cant think of a good question so I'll just ask Miracle Whip or Mayonnaise? I don't like either. Sorry.
What's the first thing you would do if you set foot in Norway? I don't know much about Norway. If I flew there I'd kiss the ground because I hate flying.
Also. She told me I must include two jokes in the update, for that is what she does. Okay. I'm not too good at this so here's my best shot. Two guys walk into a bar. The third one ducks. Ba-da bing. Why the long structure above your neck said the bartender to the horse as he trotted into the bar for no reason? Or something like that. I hope that's good enough.
A couple of other things Cassio told me to add:
* Her and truextilxdeath's five year anniversary is this Saturday. She's really excited. That's, like, a fourth of her life.
* She did not go to the doctor's for her dizziness. She started taking a multi-vitamin with plenty of iron in it which made her feel much better.
* She's sorry it took so long to update and that she wasn't able to do it personally. She promises she'll update better real soon with lots of interesting things.
*If you were in an experimental Swiss rock band, what would you call the band? I'd call it Ace of Base part two
*If you had infinite time and resources and could get anyone in the world to work for you, what would your favourite color be? Electric Blue
*If I turned up at your door with a bunch of flowers and 3 DVDs, what would be on the DVD, and would be be staying in to watch them, or would you want to do something else? The DVD would be Crybaby. I'd be really impressed if you showed up with that since it's not even sold on DVD. Hence, we would be staying in and watching the movie.
*did i mention how adorable you are? Yes, Sunny, you have.

*I used to work for an adult website, and one thing I noticed is the abnormal amount of members from Ohio. Like, not just above average, but way above average. Like, maybe 1 in 6 or at least 1 in 10. Is Ohio really that boring, or are uberawesome girls like you just a rare breed up there? Since I'm not a true blue Ohio-ian, I'd guess that it's really that frickin boring.
*you doin another set soon? Yes. I already have pictures taken. Just waiting for them to be sent in.
*what movie were you in the theater for? Meet the Fockers
*Ok... what is your favorite Tenacious D lyric? Good question. I guess mine would have to be " Oh shit there's a bear, Could you hand me that shotgun buddy, Also that chair? We're fighting a bear Now your life's in grave danger
And you don't even care."
*Do you read Brian Michael Bendis graphic novels, and if so, which is your favorite? No, I don't. What has he written?
*Are you eating less sweets? Muhahah! No. Never.
*Who's your favorite muppet? Beaker
*You entered a jello wrestling contest, what flavor Jello would be your signature? Honestly. I hate Jello.
*Have you ever laughed so hard you puked, or almost puked? Hahah. um. no. But I have laughed so hard I peed myself. Does that count?
*What is you most guilty pleasure? Um. Masturbation in the bathtub?
*What would be your pornstar name? Assiopeia
*drink of choice? Mt. Dew
*do you collect anything? Books by my favorite authors. Pinup pictures. And, as of recently, hair dye.
*got a lucky charm? My bracelets.
*is it true that you have a plan to steal prosaic_muse from me and keep him in your basement? Yes. Yes, this is true.
*What extra gift would have made your Christmas perfect? a green ipod. And for everyone who got an ipod for x-mas to STOP RUBBING IT IN MY FACE.
*How are things going out your way? Very well, thank you.
*How did you get so fucking HAWT? I collected 250,000 soup labels and that was my prize.
*As for my question, if you could be a jelly bean, what flavor would you be? I would be Sexy Lexie flavored. Rawr.
*what is the longest you have ever gone without a boyfriend (not counting childhood)? A year, I believe. But I dated in that time period (nothing "boyfriend" serious). So does it count?
*What's your favorite illegal drug? Shrooms. Haven't done it that often. Not around alot. Maybe that's why it's my favorite.
*which Daniel Clowes book did you get? Eightball
*It's a really dark night and your home alone without power, the sounds of a storm raging out your window,
At this moment in time what are you most afraid of? The money I'm going to have to spend to re-stock the spoiled food in the fridge.
*Are you prego? Oh god no.
*dude, what kind of camera did you get? Kodak EasyShare
*Are you still looking at the hot boy on boy action? I'm sorry. Did you ask me something? I was busy looking at this incredibly hot picture of my boyfriend making out with a guy I know....
*I cant think of a good question so I'll just ask Miracle Whip or Mayonnaise? I don't like either. Sorry.
What's the first thing you would do if you set foot in Norway? I don't know much about Norway. If I flew there I'd kiss the ground because I hate flying.
Also. She told me I must include two jokes in the update, for that is what she does. Okay. I'm not too good at this so here's my best shot. Two guys walk into a bar. The third one ducks. Ba-da bing. Why the long structure above your neck said the bartender to the horse as he trotted into the bar for no reason? Or something like that. I hope that's good enough.
A couple of other things Cassio told me to add:
* Her and truextilxdeath's five year anniversary is this Saturday. She's really excited. That's, like, a fourth of her life.
* She did not go to the doctor's for her dizziness. She started taking a multi-vitamin with plenty of iron in it which made her feel much better.
* She's sorry it took so long to update and that she wasn't able to do it personally. She promises she'll update better real soon with lots of interesting things.


First, thanks for the comment you left me about trying to get your freckles in your pics. That left me all smiley that day, and once in a while since
I was going through old threads recently, and I just have to say again how much I enjoy your comments, they always make me smile, but sometimes just your avatar on there does that
I hope Cassio can come back soon