I think some misunderstood my last entry: Women use sex for love. Men use love for sex.
I liked reading everyone's take on it. Here's what I think:
This statement reminds me of when you first meet someone. In almost all of my experiences with men, they are very sweet, very romantic and very attentive in the beginning. I like the beginning because it makes me think there's the possibility of love in the future. So, I give it up. Why not? He's so sweet. So romantic. Almost always attentive. And TA-DA.... the statement becomes a truism.
It's just how we're wired. Women are more emotional creatures so it makes sense that their goal is emotionally nurturing. Men are physical, ergo, their goal is the physical.
Of course, like some of you have said, there are those moments when the two sync up. That does happen. And it's awesome.
So, what do you do when you don't get the desired end result?
On a lighter note, my boyfriend said this to our son today: "Aw, you took your hand off your wiener to wave bye to me..."
I liked reading everyone's take on it. Here's what I think:
This statement reminds me of when you first meet someone. In almost all of my experiences with men, they are very sweet, very romantic and very attentive in the beginning. I like the beginning because it makes me think there's the possibility of love in the future. So, I give it up. Why not? He's so sweet. So romantic. Almost always attentive. And TA-DA.... the statement becomes a truism.
It's just how we're wired. Women are more emotional creatures so it makes sense that their goal is emotionally nurturing. Men are physical, ergo, their goal is the physical.
Of course, like some of you have said, there are those moments when the two sync up. That does happen. And it's awesome.
So, what do you do when you don't get the desired end result?
On a lighter note, my boyfriend said this to our son today: "Aw, you took your hand off your wiener to wave bye to me..."
Happy Birth week.
well you seem to be gone for good. have a great life ! I hope all is well with you. happy new year.