So now I got myself a new job. I am now a telemarketer. It's..... interesting. I take inbound and outbound calls. My favorite inbound is for "The Inspiration Network". It's a religous program on television and they tell you to call a number to "sow a seed" in the ministries. I take those donation calls. The other day I got a guy call in. I read the script and asked for his zip code, last name, address, and donation. He said he wanted to talk to a minister. I told him I would have to give him a different number because the number he called was for donations and then asked him if he would like to make one. He got angry with me and said, "NO. I guess I'll just fucking go to HELL since I'm not giving any money." And then he hung up. It totally shocked me. It was hilarious.
I got a laptop from ebay the other day. For $400. Oh yeah. I rule. It'll be here Monday. SO..... I will finally be on here a little more and actually have the time to reply back to all the comments I get. Sorry I haven't had the time before.
I wish outer space guys would conquer the Earth and make people their pets, because I'd like to have one of those little beds with my name on it.
So. I've made plans to have a set taken. Not terribly soon. But it is happening. And I'm very excited. So keep your socks on. In the near future I will no longer be a one-set-wonder.
I want to play Mad Libs with you guys. I'll make a list of kind-of words I need.... you give me examples.... and the next journal will have the end result in them. Since I love mad libs so much, this may turn into an "every journal" kind of thing. Like my Deep Thoughts.
This Mad Lib is called: "Aliens Are Our Friends"
I need a/an:
Something Round
Plural Noun
Plural Noun
Type of Food (Plural)
Type of Vehicle (Plural)
Okay. I will not update until I get an answer for all of those.
I bet it was pretty hard to pick up girls if you had the Black Death.
I got a laptop from ebay the other day. For $400. Oh yeah. I rule. It'll be here Monday. SO..... I will finally be on here a little more and actually have the time to reply back to all the comments I get. Sorry I haven't had the time before.
I wish outer space guys would conquer the Earth and make people their pets, because I'd like to have one of those little beds with my name on it.
So. I've made plans to have a set taken. Not terribly soon. But it is happening. And I'm very excited. So keep your socks on. In the near future I will no longer be a one-set-wonder.
I want to play Mad Libs with you guys. I'll make a list of kind-of words I need.... you give me examples.... and the next journal will have the end result in them. Since I love mad libs so much, this may turn into an "every journal" kind of thing. Like my Deep Thoughts.
This Mad Lib is called: "Aliens Are Our Friends"
I need a/an:
Something Round
Plural Noun
Plural Noun
Type of Food (Plural)
Type of Vehicle (Plural)
Okay. I will not update until I get an answer for all of those.
I bet it was pretty hard to pick up girls if you had the Black Death.
Type of Vehicle(plurals) .. Trabis (Trabants -- East German Car)
you are rare