It's been way too long. I've been way too busy. But things will change soon. I promise.
Nevin and I are looking for an apartment right now and once we find one we will get a computer. And THEN I will be tons more active on here. Just sit tight til then.
I feel really tired and down right now. Like I'm just coasting through life. It's very depressing. Winter is always my bad season.
Well. I'm not in the mood for a normal "me" journal. Sorry to disappoint. I think I spelled that right. Anyway. If I think of anything witty to say soon I will edit. But until then, I wish I could be around more.
Nevin and I are looking for an apartment right now and once we find one we will get a computer. And THEN I will be tons more active on here. Just sit tight til then.
I feel really tired and down right now. Like I'm just coasting through life. It's very depressing. Winter is always my bad season.
Well. I'm not in the mood for a normal "me" journal. Sorry to disappoint. I think I spelled that right. Anyway. If I think of anything witty to say soon I will edit. But until then, I wish I could be around more.
Prop 73 which i voted NO on was gonna make it so the doctor notifies ur parents if under 18 if u have a abortion 2 days before u can get it....... this will cause problems with religious families who dont want their daughter to get an abortion.... the girl can still get it ...... some people are scared enough by their parent s to go to a 'back alley' abortion......
so i voted no should be the girls choice who she wants to notify