EEeeeeeeekkkk!!!! So, my first set just went live in Member Review!!!!! squeeeeee!!!! OMG! I'm not the naked one, but still excited, nervous, anxious.... Please drop by and show Sedusa some love!
Feel free to message me any constructive criticism too!

Feel free to message me any constructive criticism too!


A hopeful shootfest would be awesome, and I'd definitely help out with organizing and financing if need be. What was the money problem before? Models needing a place to stay? Studio/locations? Travel? I know Perr had trouble arranging a quality photographer early on because of a lack of portfolio and a lack of transportation. Drave could definitely be a big help, as could Elea if someone could get ahold of her. I still don't know if I can make either of the burlesque shows, but a before/after meet&greet could certainly open up the topic for discussion. Might be worth setting a goal for sometime next spring or early summer. Hell, if we can get some land, we could even do a SG hopeful equivalent to NINPAR. I could pull some strings with friends in NOVA, and although small, I've got 5 acres of woods right off 522.
Oh, and regarding my androgyny casting, I could definitely work with sedusa. Although nothing specific immediately comes to mind, she's got a face I can use. I'll have to message her as soon as I get a more concrete idea. I'd really like to shoot Lilly, but I followed the string of tags through your MM and found out she's a) in Boston, and B) not shooting currently.
Another option I just thought of could be comparing notebooks and seeing if any of our shoot ideas overlap enough to split cost and do a dual-shooter or back-to-back set.