Hey guys,
I would love to see your favorite quote, something that you identify with
Comment below.
Here goes mine.
“It must be madness, the way we let things devour us. The way we let the things we want out, back in. And the horror of it all is, we stay attracted to everything that hurts. We cling to it and never really learn to let go. So perhaps we do want happiness but we also desire to keep the pain close. Close enough to destroy us, close enough to define us, and close enough to make us feel a little less cold.”-R.M. Drake
"If you see ten troubles coming at you down the road, you may be sure nine of them will run into the ditch before they reach you." Calvin Coolidge
Mine is torn between two of Albert Einstein's : "Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning." And "Try not to become a man of success , but rather try to become a man of value."