Sorry AGAIN for not posting more frequently! Once I get to legit internet, I'll go back to daily journals like I did before. Promise!
GUESS WHAT I DID! I got my tongue pierced on Saturday!! (see attachments)
MY GOD the piercing hurts the next day!! I can't wait for the swelling to go down so I can get the smaller bar and FINALLY be able to makeout again. <.<
In other news, I'll be in Canberra this weekend! We leave here early Friday morning and will get back sometime late Sunday night/early Monday morning. I'm quite excited. Clubbing anyone...? I'm not meant to go drinking because of my piercing, but knowing me, I will anyway. I tested it out with 375ml of beer last night and was fine, so I'm not too worried. Though yeast probably isn't good for a cut... I'll stick to vodka drinks instead. ;D
Also, I think I'll be in Sydney next Tuesday...? But I'll be with friends, so noso on meeting up with people. Sorry!
Oh, and if I can get my Optus sim card to work in my phone, I'll be switching numbers soon. Chances are, I'll need to buy a new one. This one is meant to be unlocked, but I can't get it to work.
Meh. Oh well.
But yeah!! I'm quite happy in Australia! I've got a HUGE crush on a waitress at Newcastle Bakehouse, but I don't know if she's gay or not.. and it's kinda weird to be like, "I know you just serve me breakfast and coffee three times a week, but are you gay? If so, wanna go out sometime?"
But I /really/ hope she's lesbian.. I really, really dooo... <3
That's about it for now!
GUESS WHAT I DID! I got my tongue pierced on Saturday!! (see attachments)
MY GOD the piercing hurts the next day!! I can't wait for the swelling to go down so I can get the smaller bar and FINALLY be able to makeout again. <.<
In other news, I'll be in Canberra this weekend! We leave here early Friday morning and will get back sometime late Sunday night/early Monday morning. I'm quite excited. Clubbing anyone...? I'm not meant to go drinking because of my piercing, but knowing me, I will anyway. I tested it out with 375ml of beer last night and was fine, so I'm not too worried. Though yeast probably isn't good for a cut... I'll stick to vodka drinks instead. ;D
Also, I think I'll be in Sydney next Tuesday...? But I'll be with friends, so noso on meeting up with people. Sorry!
Oh, and if I can get my Optus sim card to work in my phone, I'll be switching numbers soon. Chances are, I'll need to buy a new one. This one is meant to be unlocked, but I can't get it to work.

But yeah!! I'm quite happy in Australia! I've got a HUGE crush on a waitress at Newcastle Bakehouse, but I don't know if she's gay or not.. and it's kinda weird to be like, "I know you just serve me breakfast and coffee three times a week, but are you gay? If so, wanna go out sometime?"

That's about it for now!
is that on hunter street ? the bakehouse i mean
Yes it is! It's a block and a half from the train station on the hunter street mall.