So I've been slacking on my blog homework! (So sorry @missy and @rambo <3) But this subject really has stuck out to me. I've read so many girls' responses and really wanted to write my own. So, here are my Top 5 Reasons to Become a SuicideGirls Model:
1. To Instill Confidence
Okay, so I'm sure a lot of people think that all the girls on SG are super confident and have very high images of themselves. However, speaking for myself, not every day is a perfect day. I still struggle with self image and confidence issues from time to time. Who doesn't? The thing about SG is, when I'm having an off day, it is so amazing to go look at my sets and say "holy shit, that's me!" It's not easy to get completely naked in front of a camera the first couple times and to know that I can pull together enough confidence to do something that makes me happy is really incredible. A few years ago, I never would have imagined I'd have the courage to try being an SG model. Now, I love doing photoshoots because it makes me feel sexy, strong, and confident. Everyone deserves to feel that sort of pride in themselves. So if you are scared, but want do it, start practicing poses in front of the mirror, ask a friend to snap some pictures on your phone to decide if those poses would be flattering. Once you see how strong and sexy you can look, it's really life changing.
Picture from my first set Simplicity
2. To Liberate Yourself
During high school I was in a year long mentally abusive relationship with a guy who cheated on my for most of it. He was my first everything, but kiss, and I was completely destroyed by it. I honestly thought I was never going to have sex again because with him it was a painful experience, physically and emotionally. However, I still had this part of me that felt like I wanted to be seen sexy and have the opportunity to be intimate with someone again. I would always see SGs being so hot and confident in their pictures, and all I would think was "there's no way I could ever look that sexy." Well, after my first photoshoot, I feel like his hold on me was gone completely. The weight of being abused was gone because I was doing what I wanted and it felt so good. Thankfully, for me, during this time I had just met my boyfriend (@letsstevenwangstuff) who was also helping me through these issues, but taking my life into my own hands and saying I can be sexy was the most liberating thing I've ever done.
Picture from my second set La Nouvelle Vie
3. To Meet Like-Minded People
Alright, so if you are on this site you probably already know this, but there is literally a group for everyone!!! If you've ever felt alone and that someone you were interested in was strange because no one else liked it, there is probably a group for it on SG! It's so cool to just be able to go discuss anything you could possibly want and there will be someone who wants to talk about it too. SG is really an all inclusive place, from what I've seen. I've never felt so safe to share my opinions and reach out to other people. For an introvert, this site makes my life so much easier because I don't have to fear that someone will think I'm being weird or dumb, especially if I'm on a thread for that specific subject matter.
Picture from my third set Soft Glow
4. To Build Your Own Family
This kind of goes along with the reason above, but really on SG you can make this support group that is unlike any other. There are so many girls on here that I also follow on IG and when they post something new I make a point of checking it out. These strangers from 5 minutes down the road to 5000 miles across the world have become my support group and I love knowing that they are here for me if I need anything. Also, just how cool is it to say you have a friend in a different state/country. This way, you know that if you are feeling alone, there are people out there who want you to be happy. Not only other SGs/hopefuls, but members too. I know I have people I see commenting on most of my stuff and liking most of my posts. It's really nice to see the same "faces" and know that I am being supported!
Picture from my fourth set Summer Shower - coming in 2 months
5. To Go to Events
Whether it's a meet-up, shootfest, or just a few girls going to lunch, going out with my SG family is one of my favorite things to do. This is a group of girls that have the same interests as me and think similarly. It's cool to have friends outside of work and school to hang out with or even go visit when on vacations. Also, shootfests are just one of my favorite things in the world! A bunch of babes getting together and shooting more babes. At shootfests, there's always a chance to learn, grow, and make amazing friendships. I am really looking forward to a shootfest that I actually can stay in the house with the girls, instead of just visiting during the day!
Finally here's just a shoutout to all the wonderful women that I've met through SG and I'm so happy to have in my life:
@sunshine @eirenne @lilymai @wolfling @maud @gemmaedwardsuk @fresa @vaughn @disco @oswin @titan_ @aniston @aerie @prettyneurotic @persephane @roxas @coralia @kingsiren @8bit @lenoira @torie @chrysis @lego @shortfusepinups
(sorry if I've missed anyone!! <3) Also, honorable mention @yourimmortal for being such a gentleman at the Orlando Shootfest!