I'm doing another blog homework from @rambo and @missy !
This weeks homework is about new years resolutions, but since I'm not really into the idea of resolutions I'm doing goals!
Last year was a big year for me. Right before 2015 started I got back surgery, so I spent the first few month of the year recovering. I shot my first SG set with @sunshine (Simplicity)
I also shot my second set with Sunshine (La Nouvelle Vie) coming soon!! Here's a preview though ;)
I also finished the first year of my degree!
Now headed into 2016 here are my goals for this year:
1. Shoot at least 2 new sets
2. Become an official SuicideGirl
3. Be more active on SG and instagram
4. Finish my degree
5. Get a job after graduation in my field
I'd love to hear everyone's goals for the year and I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!