I love naked girls! but i have one thing to say about the womans body. i absolutly hate the vagina! i know i am prob. alone when i say this but i honestly think it is so ugly. like a lil monster just sitting there waiting to eat your penis. the first time i saw an actualy picture of one, i remember thinking, oh my! why does it look like it wants to eat you?! i can say that i hate looking at them. it is amussing looking at different ones though. some look better than others. some are very scary. i would like to think that i am not alone and certain people who love them for one aspect hate them for another (looks). i dunno maybe i am absolutly crazy but i think maybe they freak me cuz they do weird things? i dunno, i dont like the gina! it scares me......
but i do love everything else about the ladies bodies! beautiful!

Fair enough. Differing opinions is what makes our country GREAT. Or something.
your pics are.......