Tell me if you think it's just me or my friend is crazy.... so my good friend is dating this super gorgeous brazilian girl who models for tons of big name companies, and he decideds she to indecive for him, keep in mind my friend is in iraq right now, so he tells her " hey, i really dont wanna be having to think about all of this while im out in iraq so i want to just take it easy right for now untill we can be together in person and work things out" or something along those lines. anyways so he gets back to iraq from leave and decideds he wants to have a relationship with this girl he just met out here, SHE'S IRAQI!!!! who the fuck is crzy enough to be left for an iraqi chick!? i think my good friend is a good and crazy friend, and im actually worried about this, cuz i think hes actually completly serious about this chick. oh and she's not a pretty girl at all. i think my poor friend needs to walk over to combat stress.

War does strange things to soldiers and their loved ones, and to civilians too. It's a difficult situation. I hope that you and him can deal with it. Any chance he needs some counseling?