Oh do I hate it when very "important" ppl come to visit and non-stop hard work untill there gone, well the big boss man is sticking around for a week and the lil boss man wants us all to pretend like we work hard all the time when its really only 60% of the time we work all the time. I hate having to kiss ass. I'm sure he hates having his ass kissed too. thats a lie! I hope the incinderators burn in his presence!
Good news, my body doesnt feel like it just got hit by a small yellow bus anymore!
Bad new, my hubby isn't comming home one time, oh do I hate the POTUS right NOW! sometimes I think the pentagon is no more than an upside down dimond
I really hope they pull us out of Iraq and Afganistan.
spent the whole day cleaning for the big boss man, hope he tracks mudd in.
Good news, my body doesnt feel like it just got hit by a small yellow bus anymore!
Bad new, my hubby isn't comming home one time, oh do I hate the POTUS right NOW! sometimes I think the pentagon is no more than an upside down dimond

spent the whole day cleaning for the big boss man, hope he tracks mudd in.

Afghanistan is entirely different. We've created a police-state governing body in a place where the primary export is heroin. We tolerated it when it was beneficial to us and the warlords who were growing the shit were helping us, but now we've created a monster and blurred the lines between right and wrong so badly that we're pretty much screwed...
It'll be interesting how these things pan out. It's like the whole world is watching us and saying, "ummm what ARE you doing"? lol!