Oh, it has been long friends. recently i have come to notice how much infidelity, cheating and lying actually goes on. it is incredible how so many people don't see it as a bad thing and infidelity to most is not even seen as making someone a bad person because "everyone does it, and will" what a bunch of shit i for one am so...
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Between work, and school i think i must be taking crazy pills, or at least everyone around me. one thing that did lighten me up was the O.R. i got to see some guy get a bullet ripped out of him and some other guy got rods through his toes. in a wierdly strange way i think its cute how these two close friends got...
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thats a bonding moment
LOL! A fellow morbid humor lover! When working in Darnall Army Community Hospital on Fort Hood (TX) I got to see a lot of strange ish. Some of the newest soldiers would do the stupidest Alpha-male things to prove they are scruffier than their battle buddies. Glad I got that out of my system back in Basic, lol! Nice pics of the hubby on your profile. Get him back soon if he hasn't returned yet!

I love naked girls! but i have one thing to say about the womans body. i absolutly hate the vagina! i know i am prob. alone when i say this but i honestly think it is so ugly. like a lil monster just sitting there waiting to eat your penis. the first time i saw an actualy picture of one, i remember thinking, oh my!...
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Fair enough. Differing opinions is what makes our country GREAT. Or something.
your pics are.......

::sigh:: some people are just fuckin' crazy and i have no idea why? I'm so tierd of people, and i can't stand the ones i work with. i don't see why people cant just wear their heart on their sleeves. everything always has to be a secret to be assumed. and then upset when it has been. so untill i have mastered the art of...
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yes, those are good examples. My friends gave me a few more examples that made me laugh. I guess there really is a North Dakotan accent and it is quite different from Canadian.

thank you for your response. i was feeling so disconnected. i guess we all know how that feels. the kind words i received made a very big difference.
So these past two days I can honestly say have been pretty much just shitty. First of all I'm helping transfer some paitients, and I really though the fat guy was gonna puke on me. let me first say I have an odd imagination, so I'm thinking if this guy pukes on my pants. I'm not going to wear them! I don't even care I...
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oh my goodness. that is a shitty could of days. (((((hugs)))))
Tell me if you think it's just me or my friend is crazy.... so my good friend is dating this super gorgeous brazilian girl who models for tons of big name companies, and he decideds she to indecive for him, keep in mind my friend is in iraq right now, so he tells her " hey, i really dont wanna be having to think about...
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War does strange things to soldiers and their loved ones, and to civilians too. It's a difficult situation. I hope that you and him can deal with it. Any chance he needs some counseling?
So, I went to the optomitrist today, I found something in my eye last night and I wanted it to get taken out. The first guy I saw said he didnt know. He didn't think it was an infection, it could of been a sty,or a calcium deposit, but he didnt know. So he jabbed at my eye with cotton swabs, what a tard. The...
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Very good point, although not ALL great things come in pairs, many do.

It's a pretty natural thing, really... those fat deposits keep your eyes producing tears. I hate that bright light thingie.
Oh do I hate it when very "important" ppl come to visit and non-stop hard work untill there gone, well the big boss man is sticking around for a week and the lil boss man wants us all to pretend like we work hard all the time when its really only 60% of the time we work all the time. I hate having to kiss...
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I'm with you. I hope he returns safely and soon.
Iraq is probably a done deal inside of 18 months - or a matter of days after the POTUS (jeje, you said "POTUS") is voted out and the Democrats take office.
Afghanistan is entirely different. We've created a police-state governing body in a place where the primary export is heroin. We tolerated it when it was beneficial to us and the warlords who were growing the shit were helping us, but now we've created a monster and blurred the lines between right and wrong so badly that we're pretty much screwed...
It'll be interesting how these things pan out. It's like the whole world is watching us and saying, "ummm what ARE you doing"? lol!
Afghanistan is entirely different. We've created a police-state governing body in a place where the primary export is heroin. We tolerated it when it was beneficial to us and the warlords who were growing the shit were helping us, but now we've created a monster and blurred the lines between right and wrong so badly that we're pretty much screwed...
It'll be interesting how these things pan out. It's like the whole world is watching us and saying, "ummm what ARE you doing"? lol!
let me be the not first to say you should do some kind of exercise more often than not, that two miles i ran yesterday kicked my ass hard! I dont know why, maybe cuz i haven't worked out a muscle in over a year, but i feel like someone took a large hammer to my rib cage.
for some reason my legs dont even...
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I think you just over did it for the first time. You'll be fine. Maybe a run around the block is a good way to start?
Hope you're have a nice Easter weekend.

Hope you're have a nice Easter weekend.
Oh man, I feel your pain. I just ran for the first time in months and I am hurting bad... and, yet, somehow, you're always glad you did it.
Aw man! I was so excited to start school a few days ago only to find out I was already late to the class and was a week late in assignments not cool! so i've been so busy with work and trying to catch up, no I wish i hadn't even started plus im super lazy so doing nothing is something i very much enjoy...
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good luck with the track running. I don't blame you for not liking having to catch up at school....I'm super lazy too.

Well today could of been a much better day. we barley changed time here and it sucked! well im always early to work so i wanst late but i was an hour short on time. which made it so i had to work faster, i tend to show up early cuz im lazy and i like to take my time to do things, and having...
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I don't like mean people either. and who could be mean to such a nice person as you? Only a jerk. (((((hugs)))))
So, remember those kids we tried to save, well two of them are perfectly fine now, and two of them did not make it. its so sad to even think about, i wish no one had told me about it, now i've just been sad all day, well im glad those two kids will live to see better days, and i hope them the best.
