Despite my allergies acting up recently, the weather's been amazing, and I'm thoroughly enjoying my free time with friends, family, spending days at work and nights and weekends out and about, money and time permitting.
Visited New York for a few days, stayed at the YMCA in both Brooklyn and Manhattan. The Greyhound ride was uncomfortable there and back, but the... Read More
I called in sick to work today. Haven't done that in like 3 years. I'm not really sick, I just fucking hate my job and didn't want to go in today, especially since they made me stay overtime yesterday. I needed a day to lose some stress cause I was burning out at work, I don't want to get an aneurysm or an ulcer.
OMG that baby actually looks like me. Argggggggg
Thanks for doing my banking with me, hopefully the Hassids were not too upset after our encounter and bacon discussion.
Lately, I have been questioning the direction in which my life is going...
At the start of the new year, I took some necessary steps to change my lifestyle and change the person I am in hopes that I'll become a happier, healthier person.
Quitting cigarettes and weed have proven to be quite rewarding. My mind is more focused; my thoughts don't trail as much... Read More
lol my dog rullesss .
Actually I know what you mean, but its not one individual that made me do my blog. I just don,t feel like I'm part of any organization. I mean, school, work, suicide girls, parties. I always feel like i'm left over... ( and I WANT to be left over) ... hard to express myself, but I feel like everybody is following the flow like sheeps and I'm the black sheep that doesn,t wanna go and do like the other fucking sheeps
Nah Davida went to HS with my friend Devo..Kate I met through Devo and roomed with at a hostel in Banff last year. Small World!!! Thanks for the sweetness, I'm much obliged.
ZeStuff, But thats the retail part of my biz, which we are getting rid of. Crazy Liquidation Prices!!!! As for the Mate, it's definitely highly energizing like coffee, even more I would say, but I guess it depends on the strength your making it. It's also full of vitamins and all sorts of good things. On the downside...well it seriously taste awful. I guess its a matter of taste, or my mate is plain bad... your best bet is to try it and see, your roommate mate cant be worst than mine
HEY!!! well im gald to hear everything is going well!!! Oh the mile end huh- very nice!!! well soon all this snow will melt- and we can all be active again!!
Thanks for the words of wisdom, I appreciate it.
Coincidentally, I actually lived with her when I first moved out years ago. It was a total disaster and after I moved out (only about 2 months in) we didn't talk for almost 4 months. I thought that was due to the fact that we were working together and she was promoted (which made her my boss), even though I had worked there longer than she had. I figured we were arguing because there was a power struggle and we saw each other all the time. I'm pretty sure we just can't be in close quarters with each other for long periods of time. I shouldn't think any less of our friendship, it's just something we'll have to work around in the future, ya know?
Much to say and too little time to tell it, so I'll be brief.
I vanished for a bit... I tend to do that. Well, I recently moved into Mile-End out from my downtown appartment. Downtown is stupid expensive. I'm paying half of the price that I payed downtown at this new place and it's twice the size. Sharing it with 3 people.... Read More
That's the fun part, neither of them knows exactly why. It's an accumulation of little things that ended blowing up in a second. I got to admit that I felt from the start that they shouldn't live together, I just never expected to end this badly. On a positive note, welcome back to SG!