How do people decide on what tattoos to get?
I've wanted some for quite awhile now, but I can't think of something I want on myself forever (or until I go to the caci clinic and have it lasered off).
I've got no strong affiliation with any religion or cult, i'm not japanese and I don't want to go and pick something off a wall in some random store. I want something different, something that means something to me.
Maybe I should just cave in and get the barcode on the back of my neck and the kanji symbol for peace on my arm (which really says idiot).
On a brighter note, my boss is away for 2 weeks, which means late starts, long lunches and early days.
I've wanted some for quite awhile now, but I can't think of something I want on myself forever (or until I go to the caci clinic and have it lasered off).
I've got no strong affiliation with any religion or cult, i'm not japanese and I don't want to go and pick something off a wall in some random store. I want something different, something that means something to me.
Maybe I should just cave in and get the barcode on the back of my neck and the kanji symbol for peace on my arm (which really says idiot).
On a brighter note, my boss is away for 2 weeks, which means late starts, long lunches and early days.
It took me about a year to decide on my tattoo. I dont think I would get anything tattooed onto my body that wasnt symbolic. But thats just my preference, like someone else said further up, sometimes its nice to have a tattoo thats there to look pretty.
Ummmm... are you passionate about anything? Thats the best place to start... but be careful of phases ... in 10 years time that care-bear on your shoulder might not look so cool.
My tattoo is a bit pattern (a stream of 1s and 0s) that represents my interests in computers and my views on a perfect life where everything either is, or is not. Ive had it for a while now, and I like it just as well as when I got it.
my next tattoo-a shark. not sure about the details yet, still processing. sharks have been my favorite animal since i was a kid. someday i'll visit down yer way and go down in a cage with the great whites. YEAH!
wait to get yer tat until you find something meaningful and personal to you. you'll know when you see it.