this is a combination of 2 entries...because i am lazy.
my neck hurts.
miranda is coming over.
i think we will make some hummus.
tomorrow we are going to go buy fancy clothes for mod night.
also there is the possibility that i may get my nose pierced...according to pixxy.
i am fucking poor.
actually that's not true, i have my student loan, but i can't spend it, it's like being slapped in the face by a bejewelled hand.
...that was abstract.
i think we are going to drink some things vodka or beer or cough syrup or gas or something...should be fun.
we just got tickets for pretty girls make graves mission: tickets for hidden cameras...and some kind of lunch...
pixxy is the loveliest girl in the solar system.
time to go, star trek or something is on.
i suck
here are some pictures taken by miranda with her photography skills for the press kit for my music video grant application thing.
here is a picture of the snowman that miranda and i made:
and one from mod night:
ok that's all.
ok so.
another mod night.
miranda and adam and i went thrift store shopping in preparation. pixxy scored me an awesome pork pie hat...the holy grail of my mod related thrift store aspirations since i was 15. rad.
the night was lovely...but
i tried and i tried but i couldn't seem to get drunk. i drank like a gallon of gin and nothing happened.
i danced like a dance-crazed maniac though.
i got my mr show dvd's back from my friend lyra finally...she told me that she used to date the dad of one of the guys from hot hot heat so she might be able to hook me up with some sort of recording thing hopefully...ahhhhhh pseudo-connections.
though i will probably be doing my mastering thing with some guy in duncan...even though i don't really want to drive to duncan or be in duncan.
on that note,
i actually managed to record lyrics for 4 of my songs the other day in a lapse of my usual complacency.
we cooked sushi (well not cooked) and noodles on oc night. it was delicious. and pixxy and adam and jeremy came over for star trek the next day...we didn't get drunk before noon as was the quasi-plan, but we had a good mystery science theatre 3000-esque comentary session with the episode "the menagerie (part 1)"
today pixxy and i had a reading day.
we drank tea and ate biscuits and read books for like 5 hours.
it was nice.
we are currently drinking beer and not going to legends...which is what my roommates are doing...even poor johnny...poor poor johnny.
here are some pictures of the afforementioned events:
there, fixed.

my neck hurts.
miranda is coming over.
i think we will make some hummus.
tomorrow we are going to go buy fancy clothes for mod night.
also there is the possibility that i may get my nose pierced...according to pixxy.
i am fucking poor.
actually that's not true, i have my student loan, but i can't spend it, it's like being slapped in the face by a bejewelled hand.
...that was abstract.
i think we are going to drink some things vodka or beer or cough syrup or gas or something...should be fun.
we just got tickets for pretty girls make graves mission: tickets for hidden cameras...and some kind of lunch...
pixxy is the loveliest girl in the solar system.
time to go, star trek or something is on.
i suck
here are some pictures taken by miranda with her photography skills for the press kit for my music video grant application thing.

here is a picture of the snowman that miranda and i made:

and one from mod night:

ok that's all.

ok so.
another mod night.
miranda and adam and i went thrift store shopping in preparation. pixxy scored me an awesome pork pie hat...the holy grail of my mod related thrift store aspirations since i was 15. rad.
the night was lovely...but
i tried and i tried but i couldn't seem to get drunk. i drank like a gallon of gin and nothing happened.
i danced like a dance-crazed maniac though.
i got my mr show dvd's back from my friend lyra finally...she told me that she used to date the dad of one of the guys from hot hot heat so she might be able to hook me up with some sort of recording thing hopefully...ahhhhhh pseudo-connections.
though i will probably be doing my mastering thing with some guy in duncan...even though i don't really want to drive to duncan or be in duncan.
on that note,
i actually managed to record lyrics for 4 of my songs the other day in a lapse of my usual complacency.
we cooked sushi (well not cooked) and noodles on oc night. it was delicious. and pixxy and adam and jeremy came over for star trek the next day...we didn't get drunk before noon as was the quasi-plan, but we had a good mystery science theatre 3000-esque comentary session with the episode "the menagerie (part 1)"

today pixxy and i had a reading day.
we drank tea and ate biscuits and read books for like 5 hours.
it was nice.
we are currently drinking beer and not going to legends...which is what my roommates are doing...even poor johnny...poor poor johnny.
here are some pictures of the afforementioned events:

there, fixed.
the liquor store up by the save on is hiring, it would be sweet to work there, i wouldn't though cause i don't have a car. you should apply there.
I wanna see it when you find out what comets, stars, and moons are all about
I wanna see it when you get stoned on a cloudy breezy desert afternoon
I wanna see it untame itself and break its owner
i always thought i didn't like built to spill, but damn joe and the music he left on this computer... i like this song. i recognize it from long ago.
oh yea and i gotta talk to you about tomorrow.