Ivy is funny. She's one of those strippers that doesn't need her night job affecting her day job.
"Here, I'll make a double chin...can ya see it???"
This lovely piece of pulp fiction is something special to me; it is inspired by some of the real characters of Portland's stripper scene.

Available on Kindle or Amazon. Andy Norris is a good guy.
And apparently I gave him his first lap dance in fifteen years. So that's pretty special too.
Yesterday, I met with one of my former nemesis', previously unnamed in this blog. She and I sat with our children, in my home. Olive branches had previously been extended; It's amazing how much trivial gossip seems to dissipate after the arrival of children.
A former cab driver for the city, she rocked her six month son in her arms, as Raven toddled to and fro, taking good care of spreading her toys around the room.
"You heard about what happened at UJs last year?"
"I hate that place. That place is a hellhole and it's haunted. Which story?"
"The guy with the belt.."
I felt colder. "What?" In anticipation, but dread more-so.
She sighed, her brow furrowed and the corners of her mouth turned upward, "A guy came in. He went in to the VIP room with a girl, I guess that one has a door on it."
"He somehow tied her up with his belt. Heput his fingers in his ass. And then in her mouth. Somehow nobody heard her screaming. I guess it's really loud in there."
And it's these things that I think, when I am lying down for thirty minutes of pre-shift solitude. The fan is stirring cooler air around my room, and my stomach is churning at the thought of a woman I dont even know, and the man who would do that to her.
I didn't nap. Raven began crying, vomiting in the kitchen, due to the heat, or sour milk, or too many grapes with dinner. My husband and I snipped at each other, both fatigued by the day and overwhelmed with concern for our tiny daughter.
I showered the vomit off of my arms, shaved my genital region and legs, still imagining being force fed the feces of a stranger.
It's a goddamn good thing I made great money last night. Because sometimes "it" doesn't seem worth much.
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Instagramsandwich - Elle Stanger
you're a brilliant writer.