Snow Day!

TheBeardedOne and myself.
Isaiah knows just how I like my drinks.....

I like talking on the phone when I make the drive to my classes, I called Isaiah/Ex-Husbear today. He starts out with:
"So, Rachel is hassling me for money...."
That's a name I haven't heard in a while.
"Yeah! She freakin' text-messaged me, saying that I owe her $170."
"It was from when we were together, it was from like, 5 months ago."
I take a deep breath, memories of some of the ridiculous, outrageous, borderline-verbally-abusive things that this female has said to my beloved Isaiah, flood my brain. I continue driving, and shout into the phone in my lap;
"No, fuck that, is this the first time she's asked for it back?"
I think. There are so many things wrong with her asking him for money, especially now.
I ask him, "How much did your spare key cost, the one that she threw away?"
"....About $120 dollars..."
I laugh, flick my blinker, turn left, "Well, fuck that. She wants to be a cunt, call you names, accuse you of shit, slander you, tell you she's taking you to court for a restrainer order that isn't even legit, and now she wants to collect money? No. Absolutely not. She doesn't get anything. That's what you get when you aren't a nice person. She can't be a bitch for fun and then ask for shit when it's convenient."
I'm trying to strengthen his resolve, he isn't as assertive as I am. We are working on that.
"Yeah! (He sounds more confident now.)
I love my little Isaiah, but he needs to be more assertive. It was hard for me, to watch someone I love, be picked apart through verbal manipulation, over weeks and then months.
We all breathed a sigh of relief, when it was done, done, finally over. It's always easiest to remember the "good times", in a relationship. But when ALL of your friends don't like your partner, that's undeniably indicative of a larger problem.
I had to break it down for him, once, like this:
"Isaiah, we have been married and divorced. Have I ever called you any names? Ever?"
"No. I guess you haven't."
"No. Exactly. If she is treating you like this after a couple months, imagine a couple years. Just be thankful you didn't marry her, or knock her up. Okay?"
So yeah, it's like that.
How is ya'll?

TheBeardedOne and myself.
Isaiah knows just how I like my drinks.....

I like talking on the phone when I make the drive to my classes, I called Isaiah/Ex-Husbear today. He starts out with:
"So, Rachel is hassling me for money...."
That's a name I haven't heard in a while.
"Yeah! She freakin' text-messaged me, saying that I owe her $170."
"It was from when we were together, it was from like, 5 months ago."
I take a deep breath, memories of some of the ridiculous, outrageous, borderline-verbally-abusive things that this female has said to my beloved Isaiah, flood my brain. I continue driving, and shout into the phone in my lap;
"No, fuck that, is this the first time she's asked for it back?"
I think. There are so many things wrong with her asking him for money, especially now.
I ask him, "How much did your spare key cost, the one that she threw away?"
"....About $120 dollars..."
I laugh, flick my blinker, turn left, "Well, fuck that. She wants to be a cunt, call you names, accuse you of shit, slander you, tell you she's taking you to court for a restrainer order that isn't even legit, and now she wants to collect money? No. Absolutely not. She doesn't get anything. That's what you get when you aren't a nice person. She can't be a bitch for fun and then ask for shit when it's convenient."
I'm trying to strengthen his resolve, he isn't as assertive as I am. We are working on that.
"Yeah! (He sounds more confident now.)
I love my little Isaiah, but he needs to be more assertive. It was hard for me, to watch someone I love, be picked apart through verbal manipulation, over weeks and then months.
We all breathed a sigh of relief, when it was done, done, finally over. It's always easiest to remember the "good times", in a relationship. But when ALL of your friends don't like your partner, that's undeniably indicative of a larger problem.
I had to break it down for him, once, like this:
"Isaiah, we have been married and divorced. Have I ever called you any names? Ever?"
"No. I guess you haven't."
"No. Exactly. If she is treating you like this after a couple months, imagine a couple years. Just be thankful you didn't marry her, or knock her up. Okay?"
So yeah, it's like that.
How is ya'll?
And I agree, that girl needs to leave Zay the fuck alone. Harumph.