J.Kat Photography...i just found her and she's amazing! the stickers are by my ink artist Doug B. at BodyGraphics in Temecula, Ca. # (951) 693-4922.
He's the shit...you live in riverside or san diego area and want a tattoo? GO TO HIM!!!!
also, im almost to the breaking point with on of my room-mates....
He refused to open at the SG burlesque show in Santa Barbara...because he's "a christian, and sg is porn"
me: "is he a CHRISTIAN when he's FUCKING his girlfriend in the ass???? or smoking weed every day, cursing, or stealing my food outta the fridge, or recording the sound of me and my boyfriend having sex on his phone without our knowledge?"
I wasn't aware that i was fucking people for cash....which is most people's explanation of porn....
am i wrong???
I'm too much an angry woman to live in a house with a chauvinist.
me and judas were playing mariokart just now....and then he's like ...baby...do you see those lights outside..?
and im like no....but on my better judgement i looked outside, and see a cop car parked in the middle of the street, in front of our house, with its lights flashing and an officer standing with a flashlight, looking in the trees and shit..
and there's other cars riding around and shit....and now there's a helicopter circling....
jen, gary's girlfriend had just pulled up and parked, the cops ask if he she lived her and she said yes, and the cop says, "okay, get inside your house as fast as you can and lock all the doors"
as soon as i heard this from the door, i fuckin ran down the hall and yelled for everyone to lock the doors and windows and shit...fucking dumbass craig is laughing and shit, thinking they were playing their guitar too loud, im like no dude, this isnt a fucking joke
so i lock our window, the living room windows..the sliding door, craigs window, tell pauls gf to lock his slider...ask gary if he locked his...someone locked the garage...we have all the lights turned off and were sitting inside the house with the outside lit up like christmas. seriously.
i called escondido police and talked to the dispatcher, i told him that i lived on ------- court, and before i could finish he told me they were looking for two men who escaped from a stolen vehicle, and to lock up and call them if i had any info.
welcome to esco, bitches.
Casper the vato ghost.
and you are very insightful... that is the best thing i've heard through this whole ordeal. thank you for your comment! xo