new piercing!!!
me andZane got them to be gay and have 'friendship piercings' , because she left Cali for three months and we miss eachotheralready....aw gay.
why do people keep asking me if it 'goes through the bone'? pinch your skin, clearly it does not. gaylords.
ME AND McKenzie HAD A SHOOT YESTERDAY!!!! and it went spectacularly, damn that girl is cute and little. and huggable too.
getting ready, aw.
thats all we can show you, for now. cross your little fingers for us that it gets accepted.
my first picture-autograph, awww. i took a picture, for posterity. and shit. it was for
oh and me and Zane did a 'funshoot' last week, with Brian Patrick Wade in El Cajon. I think a lot of hikers and joggers saw me nekkid, but ehhh, my boobs arent sacred.
okay, another of McKenzie because shes so cute.
i had a bum call me an asshole and flip me off the other day, because i saved this mexican lady from his begging, hahah. PISSED!!! she looked scared tho, so i feel like a hero. hah.
i want to also thank jobu69 for sending me a book from my wishlist!
thank you so much!
oh, and i want to remind you fuckers that i'll be at the:
so go there!!!!
oh...Happy belated Birthday!
Though it's a day belated I hope you had a wonderful birthday darling.