Love is a peculiar, like a horse with blinders. It lets you see nothing but them, nothing but a future with that one person you care about most. Its a life giving essence, leaving you inspired, capable of doing great things. Driving you to take a maddening pace to assume the place as one they can consider holding on to. It can drive you to the brink of death, to contemplate suicide when lost. The destructive force of love is a force greater than the most powerful weapon ever created. Then why do we kill ourselves to find it. To drink from its waters, savor the life we fill running through our veins whenever we hold them tight? Whenever you kiss their lips suffer the sweet embrace knowing very well that it might be the last time you feel their warming skin. Knowing very well that god, fate, or life will rip them away from you leaving your heart wrought with rage and sorrow. Knowing very well that even if its been fifty years of fifteen days that your heart will never tire of their loving eyes. Ones heart will never be the same, after meeting fate in the flesh and letting them dwell in your personas hollow.
Happy Birthday 

regardless of what the creatures of today will say to you... reality isn't real. its more of the situations you bestow upon yourself. you make your own fucking world, and live it to your own fucking expectation. now whether or not you choose to accept this, that's your prerogative, however, im still wondering how we can kill everyone, and get away with it.