I'm sort of anomaly
Always striped in some color
But never the shade i wanted'
People call me a whore
'Cus i never conformed to one groups news
"Fuck him", they say
"Fucking hippies, they stray"
Live alone and they call you a stinge',
Rather alone than in bad company,
Never been alone, just sold on no company.
Fuck them all i say, Just too honest for their plastic hearts to take
So go fix it away, in this placid soup you stay
I'm sort of anomaly
Always striped in some color
But never the shade i wanted'
People call me a whore
'Cus i never conformed to one groups news
"Fuck him", they say
"Fucking hippies, they stray"
Live alone and they call you a stinge',
Rather alone than in bad company,
Never been alone, just sold on no company.
Fuck them all i say, Just too honest for their plastic hearts to take
So go fix it away, in this placid soup you stay

I hope it's New Mexico-- I'll come visit. I love that State.