I guess it was all a fun ideal of meter maids and ticket vendors sleeping alone forgetting to phone but realizing that they forgot to pay the bill. All this treason is bound to end with reason, the ships bn sailing but when did we set the course. Let her fly, off the seat of your pants he said but his ghost crew and the desolate ship didnt seem to agree. Pirate jack had been alone way to long to realize what people where made of. Nothing more than bad vibes and soured meadle. You'll run a' ground they all screemed. Ghost that panic. They all seemed too lost to care, flirting with fate just to get a mudlarks stare as to why you where speaking to begin with. It was never you they wanted just what you had to offer. Leave you soul at home, its only bound to suffer. So he rammed the ship into the rocks. They all braced for thier dear after life. but he only passed through like a kidney stone in obesity.

thanks for the feedback.
but i will laugh if you are really a dental assistant