Well finals week is here and I just finished my math final today. Glad I don't have to think about that class ever again!!!
My mother sent me a package in the mail and I wasn't thinking and opened it. There were all my Christmas presents, unwrapped. I felt so bad I ruined the surprise but they were pretty awesome. I got the "Joy of Cooking" cookbook, some measuring spoons, and measuring cups. I was actually thinking of asking for that cookbook as a wedding gift in the distant future but now I don't have to wait that long
I felt all proud of myself I made chicken parmigiana for dinner, normally I'm just good for making mac n cheese and tuna helper. Also, thanks to the anonymous person who bought me World of Warcraft, it came in the mail yesterday and that was really exciting! Now I will have something to do over winter break other than Diablo II that noone plays anymore.

the great and might pinko the troll. lol
ok not so great or mighty lol
that seems to be the winner im calculate the votes tonight and post a winner.
its not the other people its me im my own worse enemy