So yesterday was my pinning ceremony/ graduation for nursing school. It was a really beautiful ceremony. My mom, dad, sister, godparents, and close family friend Joan came.
My mom and dad got me a dozen roses, Joan got me a half dozen, and my godparents got me a really pretty bouquet of flowers with like daises and stuff in them.

(Me and my godparents

It was really funny because as we had our candles for the Florance Nightingale pledge we were reciting it and my candle went out! So I tried to light it off the guy next to me and his went out! So I was cracking up and we had to light it from the people standing on the other side of us. Of course that would happen to me. But it was a nice night and I got to meet all my friends families.
Anyway here are some pics of the post finals party (I look like shit cause I was sick and wasn't wearing any makeup)
I'm gonna start going back to the gym tomorrow because I've gained like 15lbs this last month in nursing school from being so stressed out. (eek!) I miss being in shape and I feel like a total blob.
Next week is christmas, then the 30th I'm getting my tonsils out (insert freaking out now!) and then I start working as an RN on January 11th. I got a full time job at a hospital in Cooperstown (baseball hall of fame!) on the medical floor. I'll be working nights which is what I wanted. Three 12 hour shifts a week. Its a really busy floor and theres a ton of different patients so I'm hoping I learn a lot so I can get into the ER after my first year.
Have a good Christmas everyone!