This is how I feel:
Meds suck.
ANYWAY. I was gonna write a blog about how I'm physically feeling better
Some of you may know I was really sick this past week. I had a really bad case of strep throat that made my temp go up to 103.2 and I was in urgent care all morning thurs waiting for it to break. It finally did after a shot of rocephin in the butt and a high dose of motrin. I've been taking my antibiotics and I'm finally feeling perky. I guess I looked really really sick because Linda keeps telling me how much better I look.
Long story short. I have to get my tonsils out. I went to my doctor and got a referral to an ENT surgeon so I just have to wait to be contacted and then I'm gonna be seen and make my appt. It's gonna suck but I'm sure you'll all hear about it.
ANOTHER NOTE: I got a fucking speeding ticket. I have a horrible record with tickets and whatnot and I'm afraid that I'm gonna get screwed so I'm seeing this place called the ticket doctor and hopefully I'll get it reduced or dropped. I can't have a 47 in a 30 on my record. (I was coming off the highway). I'm really worried about it.
And I am getting my eyes checked tomorrow hopefully and I might have to get glasses. My eyes have been fuzzy lately from one of the meds or not i'm not sure but I was having trouble seeing distances and focusing as well as some other side effects. I'm not on it anymore.
I. feel. like. shit.
I had 3 mood swings today already. I hate it. I hate it. I'm afraid I'm gonna go into full blown mania and then I'm screwed. I was on lamictal, had an allergic reaction, then I was on abilify, blurred vision, felt like I was crawling out of my skin, and I gained 10 pounds in 2 weeks, so now i'm on geodon. Its newer but it makes me really tired. I'm supposed to take it twice a day but I take it just at night because I don't want to be knocked out or groggy all day. I'm not sure how its going to work for me but we'll see.
I just hate feeling crappy and alone and depressed
and I hate feeling insanely out of touch and out of control and irritable.
Schools going ok. I'm doing good in nursing but my statistics class just sucks. I'm not doing that great and its not good. my dad will kill me.
I'll write more later but for now its 430am and I need to go to bed.
love love love <3

Meds suck.
ANYWAY. I was gonna write a blog about how I'm physically feeling better

Some of you may know I was really sick this past week. I had a really bad case of strep throat that made my temp go up to 103.2 and I was in urgent care all morning thurs waiting for it to break. It finally did after a shot of rocephin in the butt and a high dose of motrin. I've been taking my antibiotics and I'm finally feeling perky. I guess I looked really really sick because Linda keeps telling me how much better I look.
Long story short. I have to get my tonsils out. I went to my doctor and got a referral to an ENT surgeon so I just have to wait to be contacted and then I'm gonna be seen and make my appt. It's gonna suck but I'm sure you'll all hear about it.
ANOTHER NOTE: I got a fucking speeding ticket. I have a horrible record with tickets and whatnot and I'm afraid that I'm gonna get screwed so I'm seeing this place called the ticket doctor and hopefully I'll get it reduced or dropped. I can't have a 47 in a 30 on my record. (I was coming off the highway). I'm really worried about it.
And I am getting my eyes checked tomorrow hopefully and I might have to get glasses. My eyes have been fuzzy lately from one of the meds or not i'm not sure but I was having trouble seeing distances and focusing as well as some other side effects. I'm not on it anymore.
I. feel. like. shit.
I had 3 mood swings today already. I hate it. I hate it. I'm afraid I'm gonna go into full blown mania and then I'm screwed. I was on lamictal, had an allergic reaction, then I was on abilify, blurred vision, felt like I was crawling out of my skin, and I gained 10 pounds in 2 weeks, so now i'm on geodon. Its newer but it makes me really tired. I'm supposed to take it twice a day but I take it just at night because I don't want to be knocked out or groggy all day. I'm not sure how its going to work for me but we'll see.
I just hate feeling crappy and alone and depressed
and I hate feeling insanely out of touch and out of control and irritable.
Schools going ok. I'm doing good in nursing but my statistics class just sucks. I'm not doing that great and its not good. my dad will kill me.
I'll write more later but for now its 430am and I need to go to bed.
love love love <3

Tonsils out is not too bad..and you can get ice cream
Speeding tickets suck.. I hope I never get one.
Glasses are sexy as hell .. hopefully your eyes arent too bad.
Good luck with class. .. I have heard that about statistics from just about ever nurse
we need to hang out!!!