MelodicHigh20: youre such a beat person in general
casanova xox: being mean wont get you your hoodie back
MelodicHigh20: thats fine
MelodicHigh20: doesnt mean you arent a crazy bitch 24 7
casanova xox: you don't even know me anymore
casanova xox: so whatever
MelodicHigh20: people dont change... no ones told me anything good about you lately
casanova xox: I don't even know anyone youknow
MelodicHigh20: oh yeah i forgot that everyone i know doesnt talk to you because your a psycopath
casanova xox: riiight.
casanova xox: real mature.
exboyfriends are such douchebags.
So calling me psycho and telling me im a bitch is not going to get his way.
And yet I think it's so funny that he texts me asking if he can come get some even though he has a girlfriend?
fucking pig.
I hate boys.
Grow up and be a fucking man. Jesus!