How could you? After everything I did, after all the effort I put in, this is what I get... As if breaking up wasn't enough, but to add to it, not even a week after you completely shut me out and go crawling back to him, I know exactly what's going on, how long did you play me for? How long did I mean nothing to you? You've ripped my heart out and then put it in a fucking grinder, I got nothing left, you've taken it all... Yeah I know I was shit at times, but we had our moments, like anybody else, that doesn't give you any right to lie to me, say you're ending things because you need to sort your life out and focus on yourself, and there is nobody else involved! Liar, now just 7 days later you are all over him, wanting the sex from him that you never wanted to have with me... How could you do this? I loved you, I still love you, you could've atleast been honest to me, for fucks sake I spent my entire Birthday in hospital for you, I saved up what extremely little money I had to buy you tickets to one of your favourite bands, which you still don't know about because it was suppose to be a surprise for when you visited on the 19th, that's when we were suppose to have a serious chat and exchange the last of our Xmas gifts, but no, now you won't even talk to me, because you're to busy sexting, and sending naked snapchats and talking about what you are gonna do to each other when you meet up! I hope he was worth it, I would've put my life on the line for you, I honestly saw you in my future, how could I be so blind, you never loved me, did you? You never wanted to be with me... Yeah you will probably see this, cause I make everything public, it's what i do, it's my way of venting, and besides, you shut me out so why bother trying to talk to you, you'll only ignore more... You never gave us a chance, you never wanted to give us a chance... To me you were "the one" and I wanted to give you everything I could to make you happy, who knew all you wanted was someone named Casey, just not this Casey... Do you even feel slightly bad? Do you have any guilt what so ever? Do you even know the pain you have and you are causing me? Ofcourse not, or maybe you do and you're enjoying it... So much for love, the first girl I sincerely say "I Love You" to and it gets thrown back in my face like expired milk... If you do somehow read this, I just want to know one thing, Why? Why did you do this to me?
Now the moment of truth, do I let my emotions win and post this? Or do I bottle it all up some more until I burst?