How is it I can go from having a great time and enjoying life to a complete wreck within a 24hr window, just fuck it all.
Then I tried making a blog post, that didn't work, hopefully this one does... Trying to be more active, just hasn't been working out for me... Shitty internet dosen't help, but yeah anyways... I'm back, I guess... Help me stay active, talk to me.
How could you? After everything I did, after all the effort I put in, this is what I get... As if breaking up wasn't enough, but to add to it, not even a week after you completely shut me out and go crawling back to him, I know exactly what's going on, how long did you play me for? How long did I mean nothing...
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A couple of days ago my girlfriend broke up with me, it's been building for a few weeks but I was waiting until we saw each other in person before we talked about and possibly sorted something out... I gave everything I had to give and it wasn't ebkugh to keep the girl I love so much... Yeah sure we both have a lot of...
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And I've just discovered how much better this site works on a Mac/PC compared to an iPhone, OH MY FUCK YES!!!
But seriously, this girl, her name is Carina, and she is perfect.
We share similar tastes in almost everything and she is adorable, we both appreciate a good bum and beard, along with music and cars... It's only been a few days but this
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So umm, yeah I've recently started crushing on a girl, and we both established we like each other a lot... Only issue is that she recently went through some full on personal issues and she needs sometime to get herself back on track, which I'm okay with and supporting her with... But in the past whenever I've liked a girl and nothing happens within the...
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@vorpal / @aubreyx / @echosum These 3 lovely ladies are my top 3 SG's/Hopefuls.. They have my favourite sets, I've met 2 out of 3 (Vorpal and Echosum)... I do hope to see more amazing sets from these amazing girls #ForeverCrushingOnSuicideGirls
Apologises for the bad attachments, it dosent work very well on iPhones.
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So I'm on a work road trip again... This time in Toowoomba, does anyone on here live in Toowoomba and want to catch up while I'm here
How good are those showers when you just do everything, you know that one long fuck off shower, shave, wash hair, face wash, shave other body parts, clean everywhere, under nails and all that shit... Seriously, how good do you feel after that.
I would very much like the opputunity to take a SG Or SG hopeful on a date... I'm just a guy that wishes to get to know more tattooed goddesses.