I was there. That seems to be a recurring theme throughout my life. It's really how I look at my life to begin with. I was there in the worst times of my life with the family abuse. I was there in the good times with fond memories that I long to bring back but know I must never take that road for it never lets me progress. I was there when tragedy struck Oklahoma City in April of 95, I could feel the tremors of the building collapsing. I was there waiting in suspense as to what to do on 9/11. And now I can say I was there, as the nation welcomed the first African American President. I was there in the parade route watching the procession. I was there as he came by. I was there in a city that catered to 3 million more people than it is truly designed to do. I was there as I could hear his inaugural speech that echoed throughout the city on loudspeakers as everyone fell to a silence only championed by death itself. I was there as people began to cry and weep with joy as they heard the powerful words of a president who has decided to shoulder the burden not only as a family man but now as the President of United States of America. I was there. I was there. When people ask me in the future, that will be my only reply. Not describing what it was like, not going into details and nuances, not even talking about the feelings I myself had. Not because i'm selfish. But because there are simply no words to describe the feelings I had. I had emotions just as much as anyone else. I teared up with people next to me I didn't even know, vagabonds and the rich embraced as if they were lifelong friends. Because on that day, those who truly understand the message our President spoke of, it didn't matter what reservations you might have had with anyone. For we are one, that was the message that started the process and that is the message that truly finished it. And for me to go into details, I would be here posting infinite pages to no end. Not because of the numerous amount, but because the experience keeps growing everyday. The message is resonating within me and I will hold that until the day that I die. Nothing can take that away. So to my friends and family, I say only this. I was there.

thank you so much for giving me love on my set in MR - such flattery!
Thanks chuck. I'm actually really excited about this change and my new place - it is an adventure.. which of course can be daunting at times too. But not in a bad way. And we're still together but living apart so it is the end of an era. Nostalgoc but upbeat.