Hi SG land!
This is just a quick one to say thank you so much to everyone who has commented and shown love on my new set Link Lightning. I appreciate it so much ❤ If you haven't seen it yet you should totally check it out 😃
This set is actually quite special to me. It's my first proper go at a self shot set. The reason I first got into photography back in 2013 was to shoot a self shot set, the advice I got at the times though was to shoot other people so I could build on my skills first. It's taken me 7 amazing years, meeting so many people and traveling around the country, but I've finally done the things I set out to do in the first place 😄
I'm so happy with how this set turned out, I'm keeping everything crossed that this will be the one to take me out the "One hit wonder" category lol.
I'm going to do a proper big blog soon (Might do a vlog actually, let me know what you'd prefer) coz I've got so pretty big stuff happening that I'm excited to tell you about 🙂
Bye for now and stay safe,
@missy @rambo