One thing I'll never miss about Ohio is the weather, if I can ever even escape this place at all. Lol. One minute it's sunny and nice and 15min later I'm sitting in my living room crying because a freak storm hit and caused the power to surge before I could unplug my laptop! And, as I'm sure you've guessed, I'm now on the hunt for a new electronic best friend (that sadly isn't a sex toy). So I just wanted to pre-apologize to everyone for the fact that I might not post a lot of blogs with photos (or blogs in general) in the near future. Typing this out on my IPhone keyboard is a bit of a battle. But I promise to still be active on my IG, Tumblr an Twitter so if you don't follow me already you can find the links on my profile.
Other than this laptop business all is well. This weekend I plan on going to a tattoo convention, shooting with SoBelle, and kissing my mom! Hopefully everyone is having as much adventure and romance as I plan on having! Xoxo - Casanova
Other than this laptop business all is well. This weekend I plan on going to a tattoo convention, shooting with SoBelle, and kissing my mom! Hopefully everyone is having as much adventure and romance as I plan on having! Xoxo - Casanova
That sucks about your laptop, hope it gets fixed soon! I've lived in Cincinnati my whole life and I'm still not use to the weather lol.
Well said! I was the same way in grade school and high school. Then college came and my life became more about exploring and figuring out "who I am." My grades suffered and here I am at 30 still trying to "figure myself out." If only I'd have been more responsible and dedicated while I was in college, I could have a great job and a husband and a family by now. But, to be honest, I wasn't ready. Life has to go how its supposed to go. You can't rush it. I used to think that I was so much smarter than the rest of my family. They didn't go to college and aren't successful, and in a way, I am. But, to be honest, I'm STILL figuring myself out and trying to take everyday as it comes. I do get really frustrated sometimes when I think about how much "time I've wasted", but, I know that I haven't settled for less than being completely happy with how y life turns out. I may still not have the career that I want and I may still be single, but I'm not just going to decide to have any career or just be with any person because I think I should be in a different place in my life right now. I will not settle for less than happiness