My birthday is this Saturday! If you're 21 and in the Columbus-ish area or are close enough to travel there you should come see me (and all the other hot ladies that will be there)! I'm bringing a little caravan of people with me, since it's a bit of a drive from where I live...oh yeah...and the car I got less than a year ago is crapping out on me
But anyhow, I hope to have a super fun night and see everyone that I never get to see!
Ps: Turning 22 this year!!
I'll write a better blog soon!
Here is a pic of me and my sexy lady friend Creepy (since I've got no new nudz for ya) lol

Ps: Turning 22 this year!!
I'll write a better blog soon!
Here is a pic of me and my sexy lady friend Creepy (since I've got no new nudz for ya) lol

Next time.