HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to any SG mommy's out there!!
Today I want to talk about modifications and why I choose to "modify" myself, and maybe you can tell me a little bit about your modifications.
Since SG is all about "Beautiful naked girls with tattoos" I'll start with Tattoos first...
During the last ten years, tattooing has become one of America's fastest growing categories of retail business. There are now an estimated 15,000 tattoo studios in operation, furthermore, it is estimated that at least one new studio opens daily. And a 2003 study shows approximately 15% of Americans (or about 40 million people) have at least one tattoo.The 2003 poll also revealed that 83% of the respondents to the survey had no regrets about their choice to get a tattoo, while 17% said they did regret having chosen to get a tattoo. Of those who regretted getting a tattoo, 16% said it was because of a persons name being the tattoo, or being included within the tattoo.
Tattoos are obviously popular. I personally choose to get tattooed for a few different reasons. 1.Asthetic Appeal- I LOVE the way most of my tattoos look. I'm usually picky about who tattoos me and I often seek out artists I like. I've got both black and grey work and color, and I love both styles, although I will admit...I have a soft spot for traditional tattoos! 2.Meaning- Now of course not all my tattoos are just mindless doodles (I would say almost none of them are actually). Besides being a "pretty picture" I like my tattoos to hold some kind of meaning to me...wether I choose to discuss the meaning or not. lol. It could be as simple as wanting to remember an event or as deep as....well...I'll keep you guessing.
and 3. I get tattoos because they make me feel like I look the way I'm "supposed to look". When I get a new tattoo it just feels right.I guess you could say that I like looking like a half finished coloring book.
Piercings...now I tried to look up some statistics for when I was writing this blog (obviously) BUT I found very little relating to just piercings...which leads me to believe piercings (not including ears) are a lot less popular than tattoos. Most the stats I found linked did say that piercing is a lot more popular in men than women. They also linked having piercings to things like: "a lack of religious affiliation, extended jail time, previous drinking, recreational drug use and local medical complications, including broken teeth". WTF. lol. I can understand messed up teeth...because it's proven that oral piercings can mess up your teeth but COME ON..."extended jail time and recreational drug use", the surveys I CAN easilly find on the internet are all a little bit outdated and look at the body mod community as feorign and threatening.
Which brings me to my "why I do it" part. I get piercings to 1.Change the way society feels about people with piercings. I'm a little girl with a high voice...and dare I say it...I'm cute. I've been told I am "the nicest person [they] have ever met" or I'm "too pretty to have tattoos and piercings". Well...I hope I can help the world get to the point where people's ideas of me don't dwell on the fact I'm modified, hopefully one day "modified" will be "normal". 2.I get pierced because I like it. I use to have "angel bites" or the double monroe thing...whatever you would like to call it. I just recently got my medusa/earl or whatever you would like to call it. I LOVE IT. I love the way it makes me look, I can tell I'm more confident with it in! To me, my modifications, all in all, make me feel safer in my world, and more confident in my skin.
I have been trying to learn AS MUCH about body modification as I can. I'm always googling things, browsing BME and snooping through tumblr body mod blogs. And so far my list of things I want to have done it getting longer. I know for a fact I want to try suspension, scarification and maybe even branding. I already have an Idea of how I would like some of my tattoos to go on my body. I know I want my neck, hands, and face done at some point in my life. I guess my biggest personal rule about body mods though....it not to rush into anything I might regret...ever. I want to learn about what I'm doing to myself before I go and do it...plus...I have my whole life in front of me
Hopefully as I learn more about body mods I'll feel confident to talk about more than just tattoos and piercings. So sorry to the die hard modifiers who feel I didn't include as much as I should have.
Soooo...what modifications do you have? Anything you WISH you had the guts (or the appropriate job) to have done? Why do you get modified?
Pics of some of my "mods"

Today I want to talk about modifications and why I choose to "modify" myself, and maybe you can tell me a little bit about your modifications.

Since SG is all about "Beautiful naked girls with tattoos" I'll start with Tattoos first...
During the last ten years, tattooing has become one of America's fastest growing categories of retail business. There are now an estimated 15,000 tattoo studios in operation, furthermore, it is estimated that at least one new studio opens daily. And a 2003 study shows approximately 15% of Americans (or about 40 million people) have at least one tattoo.The 2003 poll also revealed that 83% of the respondents to the survey had no regrets about their choice to get a tattoo, while 17% said they did regret having chosen to get a tattoo. Of those who regretted getting a tattoo, 16% said it was because of a persons name being the tattoo, or being included within the tattoo.
Tattoos are obviously popular. I personally choose to get tattooed for a few different reasons. 1.Asthetic Appeal- I LOVE the way most of my tattoos look. I'm usually picky about who tattoos me and I often seek out artists I like. I've got both black and grey work and color, and I love both styles, although I will admit...I have a soft spot for traditional tattoos! 2.Meaning- Now of course not all my tattoos are just mindless doodles (I would say almost none of them are actually). Besides being a "pretty picture" I like my tattoos to hold some kind of meaning to me...wether I choose to discuss the meaning or not. lol. It could be as simple as wanting to remember an event or as deep as....well...I'll keep you guessing.

Piercings...now I tried to look up some statistics for when I was writing this blog (obviously) BUT I found very little relating to just piercings...which leads me to believe piercings (not including ears) are a lot less popular than tattoos. Most the stats I found linked did say that piercing is a lot more popular in men than women. They also linked having piercings to things like: "a lack of religious affiliation, extended jail time, previous drinking, recreational drug use and local medical complications, including broken teeth". WTF. lol. I can understand messed up teeth...because it's proven that oral piercings can mess up your teeth but COME ON..."extended jail time and recreational drug use", the surveys I CAN easilly find on the internet are all a little bit outdated and look at the body mod community as feorign and threatening.
Which brings me to my "why I do it" part. I get piercings to 1.Change the way society feels about people with piercings. I'm a little girl with a high voice...and dare I say it...I'm cute. I've been told I am "the nicest person [they] have ever met" or I'm "too pretty to have tattoos and piercings". Well...I hope I can help the world get to the point where people's ideas of me don't dwell on the fact I'm modified, hopefully one day "modified" will be "normal". 2.I get pierced because I like it. I use to have "angel bites" or the double monroe thing...whatever you would like to call it. I just recently got my medusa/earl or whatever you would like to call it. I LOVE IT. I love the way it makes me look, I can tell I'm more confident with it in! To me, my modifications, all in all, make me feel safer in my world, and more confident in my skin.
I have been trying to learn AS MUCH about body modification as I can. I'm always googling things, browsing BME and snooping through tumblr body mod blogs. And so far my list of things I want to have done it getting longer. I know for a fact I want to try suspension, scarification and maybe even branding. I already have an Idea of how I would like some of my tattoos to go on my body. I know I want my neck, hands, and face done at some point in my life. I guess my biggest personal rule about body mods though....it not to rush into anything I might regret...ever. I want to learn about what I'm doing to myself before I go and do it...plus...I have my whole life in front of me

Soooo...what modifications do you have? Anything you WISH you had the guts (or the appropriate job) to have done? Why do you get modified?
Pics of some of my "mods"
=) you're beautiful!!
this just made so much sense. i adore that you are small and 'too pretty to have tattoos' because half footed in that boat too. but it feels right and more comfortable, so we are only cuter, yes?