It is 4:13 in the am. I am still up for no apparent reason. The tv infomercials were boring me so I decided to come check my email. My cat, Mr. Fatty, is in here keeping me company now. Hubby is snoozing in the bed. I would wake him to entertain me, but he looks so peaceful. Plus he was not feeling well so I gave him one of my sleeping pills. It appears to have worked on him. :-) That would be kinda selfish huh, to wake him up after helping him fall asleep. I just wanted to say hey to everyone that is on my friends list and hope everyone is doing beautifully. I guess I will go watch the Ghost Hunters I have on my DVR since I know none of the people in chat right now.
Oh, and I am very ecstatic that my favorite tv serial killer starts back tomorrow on Showtime, Dexter. I've missed him.
Oh, and I am very ecstatic that my favorite tv serial killer starts back tomorrow on Showtime, Dexter. I've missed him.

Good morning...or maybe it just seems like morning to you...did you ever get to sleep...???

I went to sleep at 6. But unfortunately my stupid brother did a pop in at 8:07 this morning. I stumbled to the door tripping over dogs, no glasses on, swing open the front door for effect so I could bitch out whoever just rung my doorbell this early, and to my surprise my brother is standing there. All I was thinking was I don't really care about your problems right now, I need coffee first, then I need to find my glasses so I can actually see you.