So I removed all my photos from the groups. They were not doing any good up there anyways. :- ) I am guessing my free membership for being a hopeful is going to run out soon since I was able to delete my photos after being up a year. Who knows?!?! Anyhow, that is why the 2 sets are not there anymore. Hope everyone's week...
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i'm guessing that means you are no longer trying to become an sg?
You would be correct. I am already in my head, I don't need the title.

I need a new job. It is Sunday and I am working from home due to a 9am staff meeting tomorrow. I would not normally mind but my job as a quality control specialist in a social work agency is rather boring and my boss is being a rather dramatic bitchy queen these days. In the past I thought this was funny but now he's...
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Hell yeah, seeing you and red wine daily awesome.

I wish I could hire an assistant! The boobs would be an amazing reason to go to work. But teaching little kids and boob flashing might not work together. hmmm
It is 4:13 in the am. I am still up for no apparent reason. The tv infomercials were boring me so I decided to come check my email. My cat, Mr. Fatty, is in here keeping me company now. Hubby is snoozing in the bed. I would wake him to entertain me, but he looks so peaceful. Plus he was not feeling well so I...
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Good morning...or maybe it just seems like morning to you...did you ever get to sleep...???

I went to sleep at 6. But unfortunately my stupid brother did a pop in at 8:07 this morning. I stumbled to the door tripping over dogs, no glasses on, swing open the front door for effect so I could bitch out whoever just rung my doorbell this early, and to my surprise my brother is standing there. All I was thinking was I don't really care about your problems right now, I need coffee first, then I need to find my glasses so I can actually see you.

I have been away for a while, sorry for those who worried about me.
A few weeks back I went gambling with some friends in the trash capitol I call Shreveport. We stayed at the Horseshoe Casino and their rooms were actually nice. When we were walking around the shopping square next door, I found a KB Toys outlet. They had a 7ft by 4ft...
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A few weeks back I went gambling with some friends in the trash capitol I call Shreveport. We stayed at the Horseshoe Casino and their rooms were actually nice. When we were walking around the shopping square next door, I found a KB Toys outlet. They had a 7ft by 4ft...
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Glad you're having fun...Ahhh, the days of wine and lube...
...Hope the rest of July is as fun-filled for you...

Hey everyone!!
I am so weary and tired these days for no reason. Life is great. I think it is the unbearably hot weather in Texas. It's only June and it's going to get worse. I know car tempretures read higher than what it really is outside, but today my car read 103!! 103, that's comfortable.
I am already voicing my dislike for the Texas...
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I am so weary and tired these days for no reason. Life is great. I think it is the unbearably hot weather in Texas. It's only June and it's going to get worse. I know car tempretures read higher than what it really is outside, but today my car read 103!! 103, that's comfortable.

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Does anyone watch Dirty Jobs on the Discovery Channel?
If so, did you watch tonights, him getting semen out of turkeys.
I almost vomited on myself several times. What they do is massage the prostate, then semen comes out, he takes a two headed straw, one tube goes to a bottle and the other goes to his mouth, and he sucks on his tube and...
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If so, did you watch tonights, him getting semen out of turkeys.

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thats so grossssss!
I think I know why they do this but it still bothers me.....why is it that on most SG's main pages you cannot request a friendship? That really fucking bothers me. I have a few that are my favorites and just think this is strange, probably warranted, but still bothers me.

a) They've dealt with one too many creeps.
b) Some want to keep their friendships to a certain number.
c) Others simply don't want to know people they never met in real life.
b) Some want to keep their friendships to a certain number.
c) Others simply don't want to know people they never met in real life.
I have been on here for over a year now and have joined my local groups and searched around the local member pics and never once have I ever come across anyone I knew, know currently, work with, went to school with, had as a client etc. Does that mean I am the only sexual deviant in my large network of people I come into...
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Go search on here by city.. I swear you will find some.. I found one of my good friends sis on here!
I once searched my zip code and found no one that I least not anyone that was using a real picture...I think this site is still pretty small compared to others...since it has a somewhat narrow focus...but wait...I know you...

I like the new addition of PSW section in the hopefuls. The only thing is that I have one set that has 93 pics and another of the same set that only has about 30 something that I added in the PSW group a few months ago as a condensed version of my favorite pics. So there are now 2 sets of me that originated...
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And what a great typist you are...
Hope your arm is all better...

Ugh!!! I broke my wrist over the weekend. Currently in a non-permanent brace. I am left handed so I thought I was lucky I hurt my right one, but soon I came to realize that the only thing I do left handed is write.
So now when using the bathroom to wipe (I know scary image, yuck) I become a contortionist. I can't drive very...
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So now when using the bathroom to wipe (I know scary image, yuck) I become a contortionist. I can't drive very...
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I think I can make it by 2037. LOL.
How's your arm doing??? Was that your beer or cigarette hand???