alright, week 3 at the new job... i love it... the tips are hit or miss... but the money is nice...
im a "quality team member" at my job so i have a lot of management responsibilities, but get paid the same as a server... perks, you ask? yeah, FREE FOOD... now, i've been working there for over 5 years, and for a majority of my week, i am there... so, what makes you think i wanna eat there... there's a catch, come in for your free meal and JUDGE the servers ability at their job... how whack is that... i'm SO not cool with it... i feel like a hypocrite...
things with the bf are going REALLY well, i'm happy... and at times, beaming... shit is real, yo... shit is real!
with love, always...

im a "quality team member" at my job so i have a lot of management responsibilities, but get paid the same as a server... perks, you ask? yeah, FREE FOOD... now, i've been working there for over 5 years, and for a majority of my week, i am there... so, what makes you think i wanna eat there... there's a catch, come in for your free meal and JUDGE the servers ability at their job... how whack is that... i'm SO not cool with it... i feel like a hypocrite...
things with the bf are going REALLY well, i'm happy... and at times, beaming... shit is real, yo... shit is real!
with love, always...

giving your coworkers feedback is really something that is greatly appreciated [even if they dont say so], but requiring criticism for a free meal sounds a bit strange to me. it's not something i would want to do either - since then what could otherwise have been a constructive suggestion is taken as a criticism, coworker gets defensive doesnt take the advice and thinks less of you, etc....