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Friday Feb 04, 2011
Run away and play your games Hide real well so I can't find you … -
Sunday Jan 23, 2011
bonercity. -
Friday Jan 07, 2011
has no necessity to tell people that i am starving myself... quit my … -
Wednesday Jun 23, 2010
it's muh burfday... <3 -
Sunday Jun 06, 2010
off 2moro... *le sigh* im so grateful for days like then...
HIM: I'm not going anywhere
HER: you were like a magnet, i could't pass it up...
HIM: that one = me flying to you and fucking you senseless for 7 hours
HER: i feel like a kid passing notes in class... do you like me? circle 1 for yes 2 for no 3 for fuck my fucking brains out
HIM: 3
HIM: 3
HIM: 3
HIM: 3
HIM: 3
HIM: 3
HIM: 3
HER: yep, def wouldn't ever push you out of bed.
HER: you are my dream zombie
HIM: I'd never let you leave
HIM: so get over here now, when are you leaving
HER: i wish i could.
HIM: wish smish, you and I should not be seperated
HER: wait, say that again
HIM: haha
HER: seriously
HER: say it
HIM: You and I should not be seperated, we'll live together and enjoy endless love
HER: seriously. heart stopping.
HER: like a tidal wave.
HIM: get on a plane dearest
HER: im never going to get you out of my head
HIM: be waiting for me in my bed when I return
HER: she lites a cigarette, askes him to pick up a pack for her, she takes off the covers, lays on her back... drag after drag, the only thought is him... i mean, after all, she could still smell him, as if he was holding her... she wraps herself in his warm embrase... she tingles when she thinks about it... that's how she knows... patiently she waits for him... thinking of the past few hours... drifts off to sleep... please, don't forget me. <3
HIM: you are gorgeous
HIMl the way it used to be was we'd meet in real life and be inseperable but with the advent of modern technology we cross paths an ocean away and it seems unlikely, so we guard ourselves
HER: how else would i have met you, realisticly speaking.
HIM: you wouldnt have
HER: i just feel there's something more behind the hot guy i ran across...
HIM: but people like us in the old world would have crossed paths and it'd have worked at lot easier
HER: and i'm intent to find out what it is exactly.
HIMl that's the weird thing you know nothing about me, nor I you yet I feel close to you it's odd, just a feeling in the heart