Okay, I will now continue my stated topic.
I am constantly becoming infuriated by my sister, who watches television like nobody's business. Now, let me make myself clear here; I do not think there is something wrong with all television. Educational things are totally legit to watch, perhaps quality shows, maybe a few other things. But she watches complete and utter bullshit. 16 and Pregnant?! BULLSHIT. Keeping up with the Kardashian's. BULLSHIT. Why does anybody give a fuck about these Kardashian's. I don't know why they are 'famous' but they are worthless. I don't give a shit about their lives. As far as I can tell, they are not overcoming some great barrier, they are not advocating anything good, and they are wasting people's lives by having a television show. Not only that, but she watches kid shit. Shit on the Disney Channel. She is 19 fucking years old.
Many people are like this, aside from the Disney part, I'm pretty sure. And it's really frustrating that people would rather waste their time and their mind on things that does nothing but dumb them down. Read a fucking book people! And not some bullshit by Nicholas Sparks. Challenge yourself! Learn! Fucking do something! This complacency is ridiculous! These are the people that think everything is just fine and dandy, that nothing is wrong with the world. Oh, well, nothing is wrong in my world, what the hell do I need to make a change for?
That's what bothers me the most, that people just don't care. It also bothers me when people do not want to learn. The eagerness to learn is a very important trait to have, if you do not want to continue to learn, what do you have? Your brain is just going to rot away into reality television, radio music and fast food.
I wish more people had an opinion. I don't care if they disagree with me, as long as they have a solid and valid argument. Not like those people who think just because gay marriage is allowed people will all of a sudden want to fuck animals, and if they do, well, who are we kidding? It already happens anyway!
Another thing, on facebook today everyone is having these stupid status' that tell me to change my profile picture to a picture of my favorite cartoon from when I was a child to help protest against violence on children. Okay, sure! Let's just do that and we'll save millions of children from getting the shit beaten out of them? Yeah right! Fuck that and fuck you if you did that. I understand some may argue this is to raise awareness about the issue, but what is this awareness doing? Are people all of a sudden like, "holy shit! Kids are getting abused! I'm going to fucking do something about this right now!"
No, they are not! Everyone of those assholes who changed their picture is just trying to act like they are doing something, all talk, no action. You can say all the pretty things you want, change your fucking picture, and while you're waiting for your picture to load some kids parent's are nailing their fist into that kids face right now and that kid is saying "fuck you people changing your picture, you are not helping me!" Saying you care and showing you care are two TOTALLY, COMPLETELY different things. One makes a difference, the other does not.
So get the hell off of facebook thinking your picture is changing the world, cause it's not. If you care, do something about it, seriously.
I know I sound really angry, maybe bitter, maybe really cynical (which I admit, I am) but it's only because I think people need to do more, be more, and get off their lazy asses. everyone can be great if they have the ambition to be, but most people don't. I just want to see people improve themselves, our society, our nation, our world. It needs to be done. And during a time when there are STILL so many issues to care about and fight for, and how easy it is to get your voice out now days, it seems like people care less and less about that.
We have the internet where ideas can be virally spread, we can organize so much, and yet all everyone says is LOL I GOT SO DRUNK THE OTHER NIGHT OMGZZZZZZZZZ .
Please, speak English you fuckers. The age of the internet is literally dropping people's IQ, and it makes me terribly sad. And I could say so much more right now, but I think this enough ranting for one to handle, and if anyone reads this, thanks, a whole lot for caring about what I have to say. Or at least reading it and pretending to.
I am constantly becoming infuriated by my sister, who watches television like nobody's business. Now, let me make myself clear here; I do not think there is something wrong with all television. Educational things are totally legit to watch, perhaps quality shows, maybe a few other things. But she watches complete and utter bullshit. 16 and Pregnant?! BULLSHIT. Keeping up with the Kardashian's. BULLSHIT. Why does anybody give a fuck about these Kardashian's. I don't know why they are 'famous' but they are worthless. I don't give a shit about their lives. As far as I can tell, they are not overcoming some great barrier, they are not advocating anything good, and they are wasting people's lives by having a television show. Not only that, but she watches kid shit. Shit on the Disney Channel. She is 19 fucking years old.
Many people are like this, aside from the Disney part, I'm pretty sure. And it's really frustrating that people would rather waste their time and their mind on things that does nothing but dumb them down. Read a fucking book people! And not some bullshit by Nicholas Sparks. Challenge yourself! Learn! Fucking do something! This complacency is ridiculous! These are the people that think everything is just fine and dandy, that nothing is wrong with the world. Oh, well, nothing is wrong in my world, what the hell do I need to make a change for?
That's what bothers me the most, that people just don't care. It also bothers me when people do not want to learn. The eagerness to learn is a very important trait to have, if you do not want to continue to learn, what do you have? Your brain is just going to rot away into reality television, radio music and fast food.
I wish more people had an opinion. I don't care if they disagree with me, as long as they have a solid and valid argument. Not like those people who think just because gay marriage is allowed people will all of a sudden want to fuck animals, and if they do, well, who are we kidding? It already happens anyway!
Another thing, on facebook today everyone is having these stupid status' that tell me to change my profile picture to a picture of my favorite cartoon from when I was a child to help protest against violence on children. Okay, sure! Let's just do that and we'll save millions of children from getting the shit beaten out of them? Yeah right! Fuck that and fuck you if you did that. I understand some may argue this is to raise awareness about the issue, but what is this awareness doing? Are people all of a sudden like, "holy shit! Kids are getting abused! I'm going to fucking do something about this right now!"
No, they are not! Everyone of those assholes who changed their picture is just trying to act like they are doing something, all talk, no action. You can say all the pretty things you want, change your fucking picture, and while you're waiting for your picture to load some kids parent's are nailing their fist into that kids face right now and that kid is saying "fuck you people changing your picture, you are not helping me!" Saying you care and showing you care are two TOTALLY, COMPLETELY different things. One makes a difference, the other does not.
So get the hell off of facebook thinking your picture is changing the world, cause it's not. If you care, do something about it, seriously.
I know I sound really angry, maybe bitter, maybe really cynical (which I admit, I am) but it's only because I think people need to do more, be more, and get off their lazy asses. everyone can be great if they have the ambition to be, but most people don't. I just want to see people improve themselves, our society, our nation, our world. It needs to be done. And during a time when there are STILL so many issues to care about and fight for, and how easy it is to get your voice out now days, it seems like people care less and less about that.
We have the internet where ideas can be virally spread, we can organize so much, and yet all everyone says is LOL I GOT SO DRUNK THE OTHER NIGHT OMGZZZZZZZZZ .
Please, speak English you fuckers. The age of the internet is literally dropping people's IQ, and it makes me terribly sad. And I could say so much more right now, but I think this enough ranting for one to handle, and if anyone reads this, thanks, a whole lot for caring about what I have to say. Or at least reading it and pretending to.
No doubt. Sometimes you need to talk shit! Ha ha. But yeah lot of stupid people nowadays. Reminds me of that movie Idiocracy.
I'm with you on the Facebook thing. Clicking a button and making an announcement does not equal action. It's the Facebook illusion of life. I think it makes people feel less guilty about the amount of time that they have their ass planted in front of their computer.