look at the kitties photosets for a picture of augustus, one of the best kittens in the whole world. not that im based or anything. and the felementary school students, i was chaperoning a field trip as a favor to my mother. is it pathetic that the highlight of my day is posting a picture of my cat on a semi-porn site?
i washed...
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i washed...
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five five five hours today on a schoolbus with fifth and sixth graders. many times, i hate children. too bad they always seem to redeem themselves, mostly by saying i look nothing like my mother.
i am buying a new digital camera tommorow so i will put up a picture of my kitten augustus in the kitties group, i am uber excited, feel my joy?...
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i am buying a new digital camera tommorow so i will put up a picture of my kitten augustus in the kitties group, i am uber excited, feel my joy?...
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If only the kittens would devour the fifth and sixth graders of the world. A simple solution, me thinks.
I normally can't remember my dreams, which annoys me coz I always feel that they were good in some way.
And as for Spring Break, over in Ireland we don't do anything as outrageous as you's would, we're boring muppets
One day I'll go over to the States to experience it 
And as for Spring Break, over in Ireland we don't do anything as outrageous as you's would, we're boring muppets

apring break = nothing if youre not in mexico or some such place. hell id settle for detroit.
no, actually id rather just be asleep.
no, actually id rather just be asleep.
spring break in motor city?
that would something to see
sleep is good too though
that would something to see
sleep is good too though
I've always wondered what Spring Break was like.
I also wonder if I'll ever find out....
I also wonder if I'll ever find out....
first journal entry, i think im addicted to this site, i dont sleep very much any more, and computer solitaire no longer interests me. i should type something vaguely interesting on the off chance that anyone will really look at this.
thoughts of the day:
-funerals need to be conducted by people who knew the deceased andwho will not, under any circumstances,(except perhaps if the...
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thoughts of the day:
-funerals need to be conducted by people who knew the deceased andwho will not, under any circumstances,(except perhaps if the...
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I gotta ask, how many funerals do you know of in which the eulogy involved space travel and the deceased was neither an astronaut nor worked at NASA?
and just how small is Iowa?

and just how small is Iowa?
where did you go a that field trip??? nice work on the dishes.