Damn. I haven't posted since July... not that this gets read by many people (cue soundtrack of crickets chirping), but still.
And this will be short, and to the point. Still waiting to hear what's happening with the SG Slambook (I have a portrait of Churtch in that book, when it finally gets published; I know it's a long process, I'm just impatient); I'm in the opening stages of illustrating a book of Edgar Allan Poe's poetry, which I hope to have completed and ready for publication by January 2012; I start photography classes in the spring; my girlfriend and her daughter will be moving to Virginia in December, which means that my company-- CarrionArt-- will finally start operation in earnest.
It's been a busy couple of months, mostly laying groundwork. All of it is about to bear fruit, however, and I'm excited.
Anyway, I know this ain't the norm around here-- most of the blogs I see around here are either anger directed at others, anger directed at self, or frustration with the universe in general-- but I got no complaints. Life is good. And I need to get to work. Ciao.
And this will be short, and to the point. Still waiting to hear what's happening with the SG Slambook (I have a portrait of Churtch in that book, when it finally gets published; I know it's a long process, I'm just impatient); I'm in the opening stages of illustrating a book of Edgar Allan Poe's poetry, which I hope to have completed and ready for publication by January 2012; I start photography classes in the spring; my girlfriend and her daughter will be moving to Virginia in December, which means that my company-- CarrionArt-- will finally start operation in earnest.
It's been a busy couple of months, mostly laying groundwork. All of it is about to bear fruit, however, and I'm excited.
Anyway, I know this ain't the norm around here-- most of the blogs I see around here are either anger directed at others, anger directed at self, or frustration with the universe in general-- but I got no complaints. Life is good. And I need to get to work. Ciao.