This weekend I was a rockstar....
It was absolutely amazing...a friend of mine flew into town on Friday and well...I got laid! Which was wonderful. We also shared some quality time together which was nice, considering the fact we've been friends for over ten years. I think we just both have the general understanding that we love one another and yet there is no way...
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It was absolutely amazing...a friend of mine flew into town on Friday and well...I got laid! Which was wonderful. We also shared some quality time together which was nice, considering the fact we've been friends for over ten years. I think we just both have the general understanding that we love one another and yet there is no way...
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Bear with me, as this blog is a bit wine soaked...
I think I'm desperately over life.
I have so many things that I should be proud of and feel accomplished about, that I find it absolutely pathetic that I continue to dwell on things that I have no control over. God has a plan. I just don't know what it is yet. i find...
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I think I'm desperately over life.
I have so many things that I should be proud of and feel accomplished about, that I find it absolutely pathetic that I continue to dwell on things that I have no control over. God has a plan. I just don't know what it is yet. i find...
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P.S. Happy mother's day!
Saw your profile and posting on Dating Sucks and decided to check it out. Read your latest blog and have a few thoughts, if you you want honesty continue to read. If not, here's your chance to STOP! Nothing worth having is easy to come by, that's life. Yes, it's a bitch and that's why the saying exists and always will. There's nothing wrong with WANTing to have someone you can rely on, but as long as you can rely on yourself that's all you really NEED. You see there's a huge difference between WANTING someone and NEEDING someone. If you need something you're willing to sacrifice to get it. "I'm so hungry that I'll do anything for food, anything!" Needing is a desperate situation. "I want Panda Express." "Oh, there's not one around here?" "What else is there?" Wanting, not so desperate. This doesn't mean I think you should settle, that's just dumb. Remember finding love is not easy, which is what makes it so amazing if and when you actually find it. By the way, I'm the last person who should be giving advice so ignore all of this. Thank you.
I've decided I'm no longer going to let people use me up.
Users leave you worn and tattered, to the point that you feel as if you are constantly depleted of something. I'm just not a huge fan of feeling bad, much less worse...when I should be feeling amazing.
I'm extremely thankful for everything that God has given me.
Fuck dudes, fuck getting laid, fuck...
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Users leave you worn and tattered, to the point that you feel as if you are constantly depleted of something. I'm just not a huge fan of feeling bad, much less worse...when I should be feeling amazing.
I'm extremely thankful for everything that God has given me.
Fuck dudes, fuck getting laid, fuck...
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sparkles are good 

This journal has the Meaney seal of approval. the verdict is that I definitely need to get laid...soon.
It's just a matter of who....
It's just a matter of who....
wut is it like?? 6hrs from Reno to Bakersfield?
i can get there in 5.
i can get there in 5.
happy 420! peace love and raisin cookies!
It's been a whirl wind of activities in the last month...
A week ago today I got my license to be a professional cosmetologist. Talk about being panic stricken! But I did it. It's an amazing feeling to have accomplished such a large goal being a divorced single parent who supports herself and has for the last two years.
My son turned three on...
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It's been a whirl wind of activities in the last month...
A week ago today I got my license to be a professional cosmetologist. Talk about being panic stricken! But I did it. It's an amazing feeling to have accomplished such a large goal being a divorced single parent who supports herself and has for the last two years.
My son turned three on...
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Pretend this is what life is all about. Are you completely disappointed?
u&me? cuddle?
btw. i took a pass on the vino-NyQuil one two and instead tuffed it out with no medicine.. went to bed early in the hopes of waking up a better man.
didnt happen
btw. i took a pass on the vino-NyQuil one two and instead tuffed it out with no medicine.. went to bed early in the hopes of waking up a better man.
didnt happen

So, pretty interesting day already.
Got my state board licensing date...good.
Had my date cancel on me...bad
It's my day off...good.
Too much time on my hands, to overthink and dissect every tiny little thing...bad.
People wonder why I can't sit still, and that's exactly the reason...I sit and pick apart EVERYTHING. And after too much time, I find myself stuck in a hole and...
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Got my state board licensing date...good.
Had my date cancel on me...bad
It's my day off...good.
Too much time on my hands, to overthink and dissect every tiny little thing...bad.
People wonder why I can't sit still, and that's exactly the reason...I sit and pick apart EVERYTHING. And after too much time, I find myself stuck in a hole and...
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The first part of your post reminds me of this...
It's been over a month. Time to update.
I coulda sworn I commented on this one.
I coulda sworn I commented on this one.
My sparkle faded a lot yesterday. Don't know how it happened. But now I'm dull and sullen and I would feel much better if I could just blend into the scenery. Still no sex. Still no sex. Still no sex. And I haven't had any for a while. Which eliminates the worries of STDs and pregnancy, but brings out the bitch in me like no...
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So, I've been thinking about mind fucking. And wondering how you boys do it, without even batting an eye. Are the men that I involve myself so self absorbed that they can't take a moment to respect and honor my feelings? Maybe I'm just that needy. This is not humbling, this only makes the walls that already exist that much larger and tougher to get...
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Don't be too harsh on yourself Carrie, you'll make your way out of this shitty situation. Just try not to go back to people that you've already boned, if you feel "that" need just give me a call =) LOL
a lots of kisses to you