Happy Father's Day to all the men out there who choose to be a Daddy, not just a Father.
Being a Dad is the single most rewarding, sacrificing and scary thing I have ever done and I wouldn't give back a single moment of it. Glad there are days like today to make me pause and realize how very lucky I am.

It's good to be king!
Being a Dad is the single most rewarding, sacrificing and scary thing I have ever done and I wouldn't give back a single moment of it. Glad there are days like today to make me pause and realize how very lucky I am.

It's good to be king!
Have I mentioned what an incredibly sexy man you are?!!

Thank you! Hooray for Dads!!! This almost looks like the breakfast I made for my son this morning for no real reason. He looked at me and said, "Mom. it's too much!"