Today is my only day off and I'm spending it dicking off on the net instead of getting things done. Ugh. They are talking about ramping up production again, I guess the 50 hours a week they get from us isn't enough. You know what really burns my ass about work? It seriously cuts into my "me" time. I only touch myself like once a week, that can't be healthy! LMAO
I watched two good movies this week. One, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows II was no surprise, I knew from reading all the books 3 times apiece that I would love it. Let Me In was a complete surprise, I loved it. Nowadays it seems that horror movies are all about the violence and gore with almost not substance or emotional grab. I found myself sucked into Let Me In, caring about what would happen next legitimately, not just waiting for another big thrill.
I know, I know I'm totally showing that I don't keep up on what's current, but I just discovered my love for the music of Aaron Lewis/Staind. Everything I hear by him, I love. I know...that's SOOOO 10 years ago. What can I say, I don't really pay attention to what others like at any given time, I pay attention to what I like.
I'm going to try to find some time to take pics of my tattoos this week. My wench wants me to take some pics for the Cleavage thread and Hoodie thread for her anyway, might as well get it all done at once.
Everyone enjoy what's left of your weekend!
I watched two good movies this week. One, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows II was no surprise, I knew from reading all the books 3 times apiece that I would love it. Let Me In was a complete surprise, I loved it. Nowadays it seems that horror movies are all about the violence and gore with almost not substance or emotional grab. I found myself sucked into Let Me In, caring about what would happen next legitimately, not just waiting for another big thrill.
I know, I know I'm totally showing that I don't keep up on what's current, but I just discovered my love for the music of Aaron Lewis/Staind. Everything I hear by him, I love. I know...that's SOOOO 10 years ago. What can I say, I don't really pay attention to what others like at any given time, I pay attention to what I like.
I'm going to try to find some time to take pics of my tattoos this week. My wench wants me to take some pics for the Cleavage thread and Hoodie thread for her anyway, might as well get it all done at once.
Everyone enjoy what's left of your weekend!

Very sweet and i actually really like that one too!!!
Sorry i made you loose your train of thought, lol..