I'm still alive.

I've started journalling primarily on lj.

My handle is dykemartens.

Hit me up over there if you care.

But I still come here for the girls. xD
Just wanted to drop a line and say what's up...

I'm the new UpstateSGNY group owner and i'm popping into people's journals from the upstate area to invite them to join the group! biggrin

i'm hoping to get enough new members interested in events to have get togethers and large events (possibly a darien lake day, or something to that effect). so stop by and see what's up... i promise there isn't even any sort of weird initiation (well, unless you want there to be... lol).


oh, and sorry about the "form letter"... this would be a super lengthy process if i tried doing it any other way. tongue
Thanks for the commment on my set! smile
I just discovered Dane Cook.

Someone shit on the coats. I think someone shit on or around the coats. ARRR!!!
Is that what that smell was? I thought someone had shit somewhere ;-)
And another eventful day in the life of moi.

So today I was supposed to work. Strike that. Got up at noon, called in sick, slept till 5.

Then, the Rufus Wainwright concert. Yes, people, I did attend. Fear not.

But I almost didn't. See, I brought my kid brother. This was not going to be a big deal, see. Even tho it said people...
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So I slammed my finger on the railing Sunday. I thought it was broken, but didn't know. Huge fight with mom about it, and finally instead of finding a time during the week to take me to the doctor, she went all extreme and I went to the ER.

And... I chipped the joint. Yay me.

I was right. I win.
I. Hate. My. Life. surreal
I wouldn't update half so much if people didn't reply. biggrin

Ah, today.

Went to the shittiest one person play on the planet. Carmelita Tropicana was doing a play about Ilian Gonzales from the point of view of cockroaches. It was so hard to follow.

I jammed my finger super hard on the railing and it hurts like a mother. Tho if people ask tomorrow, I'm...
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good excuse as any for the finger injury..and I will definetly keep the walking outrage bit in mind
Drag show = awesome

Aggy Dune = hot

Drag King Rebellion = incredible

After drag party with beer and the pot = priceless

Another first. And another moral slip slides down the drain.

Ignore the post. I'm fucking wasted. eeek
sounds like MIssed out on a great time
Drag show in two hours!!!

Here's to hoping Bretney Star and Neil Fo'Cash win. <3!

I'll be attending as... dun dun dun... a girl. Be shocked.

I am.
I feel like it's been a few days since I've updated. Here goes.

Busy as hell, for one. Paper due Thursday about female masculinities, and a presentation on god knows what for Red Power. Lets not think about that.

Thursday night, we're probably having a drag show. I say probably because the straight people are complaining that the semi-nudity of the queens was offensive.

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sounds like it will be alot of fun..wish I could go
Somewhat calmer today.

Woke up at 4. For the first time, nothing to do on a Saturday! <3 Dinner with my fam at the little gem diner and then went with them to do some returns/exchanges.

Then on the way home as we passed by the Roji Tea Lounge, we stopped in for tea. And apparently, according to my mom, you can get high on...
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Gotta love that Diner....
Ooooh Is it a bubbletea lounge? The one here has plastic takeout cups which have hello kitty, keropi, cute little zodiac characters and once, naked girls on them.
One of them looked alot like me apparently.