So apart from not having a job and being really lax bout getting another (I will get off my arse soon, I did however apply for a job as a trainee commercial underwriter, nice), I have been enjoying my mate Rays company as his back from Switzerland for a few weeks. This has meant the ubiquitous drinking sessions and enjoying the company of other mates I havent really seen in a while.
This is Raymondo. Yeah his straight! Fluffy pink hats are butch didn't ya no?
That said, last Thursday a lot of us went out cos of Ray being back, and it was a proper bust, (in spite of repeated spottings of Croydons local SG) crying, arguments, every1 pissing off early, a mates drunken ex acting like a prick (shame cos his a nice bloke). And to cap it all off an Onion and Anchovie pizza on the way home which Im pretty sure might be the grimmest readily available topping combo.
Ah well such is life. Near enough finished a website for a mates band which has taken me forever, and I aint doing another one as a favour for a mate again. Sorry Mike if youre reading this but it was a mish 2 get done and just reminded me why I dont wana do this for a living. Check it out neway and listen to some tunes on the media section, The Sharons, South Londons finest.
Wooo Hooo an image as a link. Its still a bit ruff round the edges but I'm not done yet.
O and look Im now using a 2 stroke alternating black and white border for my pics like all the cool kids. Ahhhh thats a Graphics Design Degree well used!
One last thing! Funk is not a verb therefore the sentence Dont Funk with my heart, doesnt work and its fucking stupid! That gets on my tits so much, and her stupid phrasing when she says it nor nor nor nor.

This is Raymondo. Yeah his straight! Fluffy pink hats are butch didn't ya no?
That said, last Thursday a lot of us went out cos of Ray being back, and it was a proper bust, (in spite of repeated spottings of Croydons local SG) crying, arguments, every1 pissing off early, a mates drunken ex acting like a prick (shame cos his a nice bloke). And to cap it all off an Onion and Anchovie pizza on the way home which Im pretty sure might be the grimmest readily available topping combo.
Ah well such is life. Near enough finished a website for a mates band which has taken me forever, and I aint doing another one as a favour for a mate again. Sorry Mike if youre reading this but it was a mish 2 get done and just reminded me why I dont wana do this for a living. Check it out neway and listen to some tunes on the media section, The Sharons, South Londons finest.

Wooo Hooo an image as a link. Its still a bit ruff round the edges but I'm not done yet.
O and look Im now using a 2 stroke alternating black and white border for my pics like all the cool kids. Ahhhh thats a Graphics Design Degree well used!
One last thing! Funk is not a verb therefore the sentence Dont Funk with my heart, doesnt work and its fucking stupid! That gets on my tits so much, and her stupid phrasing when she says it nor nor nor nor.
Ok I'm just rambling for no reason. Sorry.
But yeh that looks like Adam. That's a random photo to put in my journal dude! I don't know who that chick is. That website you did is fucking awesome by the way, very snazzy indeed! If you're gonna be at one of their gigs in the near future, do let us know and we'll try to come along too.
i work at the elmer lodge, its in elmers end/ penge kinda way. its quite cool, lots of regulars and fucking wicked food, god i'm like a walking advert i know.
where do you work anyway? i'm guessing croydon...